Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Hooray! My first ever blog post!!

Well, I should start off by saying thank you to anyone who takes time out of their day to look at this!  The only reason I even considered starting a blog is because of a girl on Makeup Geek (I love that website!!!) said a few times that perhaps I should start a blog (if I can figure all of this out, I'll try to put a link to her blog here: http://cydonianmakeup.blogspot.com/ )  But I guess I'll start off, since this is my first post and all, showing you some makeup looks I've done (anyone who's on MakeupGeek has probably already seen these)!  So hang in there with me while I show you these!

Whew... take a deep breath... we're about halfway through haha!

As you can see, I have a completely healthy love for makeup haha!!  I tried to post each look only once so I hope I don't have any repeats! 

I don't think I'll be doing strictly a makeup blog.  I'll probably throw up a recipe every now and then or tell you about something I bought that I really love and stuff like that!  If there's anything you think I could do better on (that's easy to fix because I'm sooo not good at computer stuff) feel free to let me know!  Otherwise I guess this is it for my very first post!  Thank you again for looking (I know it took forever because I have like a year's worth of looks stored up on here!)!  I hope you all have an incredible day!

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