As I mentioned yesterday today's post is going to be a nail-post, which is something that I don't usually do. I often ask myself why I don't do nail-posts more often, since there are so many ways to decorate your nails. Truth is, though, that I don't have patience enough to do a good job on my nails. I don't know if it's my lack of patience or if there's something wrong with my nails, but on me nail-polish takes forever to dry. Now, I know some of you immediately comes to think of the fast-drying top-coat from Seche Vite, but even that one requires at least an hour to get completely dry on my nails. Strange, isn't it? O_o
Anyways, with all those complaints about nail-polish said, let's move on to the actual post. :)
A few days ago I watched a very good nail-art video tutorial on
Youtube, explaining how to get gradient nails. I got really excited about this and decided to try the look myself. :)
Here's the video:
It was a bit harder than it looked though and, since I can barely paint my nails in the regular way without messing up, a lot of cleaning was required afterwards. The result? Well, not too bad for a first-timer. ;)
I couldn't get the gradient so smooth though, but I guess I'll have to practice.
The red nail-polish is from Depend and the black one is Orly's Liquid vinyl.
By the way, I just wanted to show you a no-special-occasion-present that Mr. Noire gave me yesterday. Bird-skull earrings! :) I love them!
Okay, so that's all for this post. :)
Have a nice day!
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