Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

Guest Post! My Hubs and China Glaze Magnetix in Cling On!

Hello All!
This is Brian and I'm Kimber's husband. Kimber asked me to write about my experience playing with China Glaze's Magnetix. I've seen her playing with a few different magnetic polishes and thought they were all pretty cool, but nothing really caught my eye till Cling On. I was in a funky mood and decided I needed to give it a go myself. I've worn polishes before; mostly black, grey, blue and other 'manly' colors, but I really liked the way Cling On popped. Plus I got to play with magnets, which is always a bonus for dudes. Kimber has this horseshoe shaped magnet thingy with three designs and I had to see if I could make it work for me. I've got large paws that aren't very well designed for detailed work so she usually does my nails for me. This stuff was so easy to apply though! It was a great formula. Either that or I've actually picked up some tricks watching her so often. I'd probably give the credit to the formula just 'cause I really am all thumbs with a brush.

 As you can tell by the pictures, my technique does leave something to be desired, but it was really fun nonetheless. I was especially impressed with how easy it was to get the designs to pop with the magnet. I had always thought there was some sort of secret trick, but it really comes down to positioning and having a steady hand for about 20 seconds. Most of my nails looked great after one try, but for some reason my ring finger gave me loads of problems and I ended up redoing it like three times. Even with that issue I really think they came out pretty nice for a guy that has never painted his nails without having Kimber jump in and fix everything for me. I'm proud to say that this was all me with the exception of her doing my cleanup. If you find any faults, and I'm sure you'll find loads, it shouldn't reflect poorly on her. I had alot of fun with this one and I'm actually debating on whether or not to try another color!

Thanks and Happy Painting!
The Very Lucky Husband of a Goddess in All Things ~ Brian

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