Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

11 things tag!

I've been tagged a few times on this one, but just now have some free time to actually answer one. My daylight lamp is burned out so I can't photograph Barry M Raspberry just yet, so I thought I'd sit down and answer the 11 questions from Aly over at Wonderland Beauty.

Here are my questions and answers:

1. If you could only paint your nails one color for the rest of the year, what would it be?  Oh man, I always have a problem with this one! It's so hard to pick just one. In all honestly it would more than likely be Essie Dive Bar, my fave blackened blue.

2. Do you dye your hair? Strangely enough, I just stopped dying my hair! I colored my hair for over 20 years, but just recently grew out my platinum blonde and am wearing my natural color for the first time since I was around 13-14. I've had every color under the sun, but always went back to either bright red or platinum (think Marilyn Monroe) blonde.

3. What is the best food you have ever eaten? Sushi, hands down. I love love love me some Sushi. I could exist solely on sushi and be perfectly content.

4. What is one thing you regret? I tend to scoff at regret, since it's my life experiences that make me who and what I am today, and I wouldn't be where I am without them. However, sometimes I do wish that I had listened to my parents when I was younger. I made life much harder than it needed to be for along time there.

5. If you could magically make yourself better at one hobby, what would it be?  Does following through with  hobby count? LOL I tend to be able to *do* tons of things, I just don't finish them. Although obviously I'd love to be  nail art goddess. That would rock.

6. What do you do when you are upset? Clean. You can tell when I'm really upset because I will stomp off and start cleaning. My friends used to joke that they could always tell when I was about to break up with someone by the cleaning spree that preceded it.

7. Who are the people in your life that you would trust with ANYTHING? My husband and my kids. My husband is obviously awesome and my best friend. There isn't  single thing he doesn't know about me, and he's stupid enough to love me anyway (lucky me, right?), and trust that I won't smother him in his sleep. And my kids are my bestest friends as well, and I'm always as honest as possible with them.

8. What are your biggest fears? Spiders (one of those creepy little bastards gets close enough and I WILL have a coronary!), suffocation, losing my parents, losing my children.

9. If you had 3 wishes, what would they be? (Honestly, I would wish for more wishes. Haha) I agree with Aly on the more wishes! But also that my children have long, happy lives, someone would find a cure for cancer, bullies would automatically get herpes. And if you watch My Name Is Earl, "Mini CHiPS" would be cool, too! ;)

10.  What is your favorite number? 311

11. Have you ever seen a ghost? Do you believe in them? Ohhhhhh the stories. Seen, felt, almost peed my pants! I used to be fascinated with the supernatural. Now I've decided to be respectfully distant. That stuff is scary, yo! (Insert "Damn, Nature, You Scary!" reference here, cause it makes me laugh)

Since I am lazy, I choose to ask the same 11 questions, and I tag everyone that reads this ;).

Have a great weekend guys! I'm off to do some shopping and hopefully some haulage and swatches!

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