Saturday I warmed up for Easter with a shopping spree with two best friends, cool champagne at the waterfront just opposite Kronborg Castle, enjoyed with litlle lovely plastic wineglasses and strawberries and ice cream. It was absolutely amazing to be somewhere else for once. Copenhagen has my entire heart, but even I need a change of scenes now and then.
But, back to Easter sunday. I was going colour blocking, and this was what I ended up looking like
Now that I'm posting photos of my self it kind of dawns on me, that I'm not very petite and model like, but instead I have womanly curves and sometimes I dream of looking like a little nymphet as Humbert Humbert would have said, and I wish for a long slim and light figure. Well, that much for wishing, for in this very moment I'm enjoying a bit of potato chips. So I'll just have to make do with what I've got. Why don't all women? We are gorgeous with our butts, breasts, thighs and soft shapes - so why not just embrace them?
Pretty difficult isn't it? But, I'll have a go at it, I think.
The Christening was very nice, my three sisters looked pretty and well and the kids were sooo cute. But, as they are not my kids, I'm not going to post photos of them. You'll just have to imagine how sweet my lovely, pretty 4-year old niece was in her flowery pale pink dress with a assymmetrical braid in the bangs, a little red bow in the end, silver ballarinas and her adorable smile. And my nephews all in little shirts alla Astrid Lindgreens Emil, huge grins on their faces, teeth missing in the front, the tiniest one (about two months old) sucking on my shoulder with his huge mane of dark brown uncontrollable hair tickling my chin, and the baby girl, Hannah with her round cheeks, little teethless smile and the white family christening dress and bonnet.... OOOhhh, no more of that I'll just go crazy....
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