Selasa, 20 September 2011

An Owl, A Pussy Cat, And A Pair Of Ear Plugs!!

I know I said I was going to have a little break from the Fantasy Series, but after creating this look I couldn't resist posting haha! I liked it so much! So Leanne is round today to model for this look, but it's a wonder we can concentrate because my little cat Fudgie is going crazy! He's under our feet howling like mad because someone else is getting the attention. Haha he's such a baby. As well as Fudgie going crazy, the feathers for my look are blowing everywhere, and to top it off my Evil Arch Nemesis the Wasp is trying to get in through the window ...AAARRRRGGGGHHHH! Sometimes I think it's a wonder I get anything done haha. Anyway, after my character makeup disaster the other day (that's another story) I was determined to focus and get this look done...and I did-Yay! So today I bring you my new Fantasy Character Wise Owl...

I recently bought a new white base from Ben Nye. It's actually aqua paint, which I've never used before...I'm not sure I like it! Because it's a paint it sets hard and the rest of the makeup doesn't blend into it very well, so the look isn't as polished as I might like. Other than that I really loved it. I thought Leanne made a cracking owl haha.

Leanne also made my day when yet again she went out shopping wearing my creation. She makes me larf! Anyway hope y'all like it! I've got another couple of characters left in this series then I'm affraid that's it, but no worries I've already started on my next theme :D

Speak Soon xx

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