Jumat, 02 September 2011

Darkness Falls...

Ok so as promised here's my first character from my Fantasy Series. I'm going with an Enchanted Forest theme as it's always been one of my favourite things to imagine since I was a little itty bitty...This is Dark Faerie.

I absolutely love this look, and I loved every minute creating it, but I was a little disappointed with the pics!! I just couldn't get the colours to show up to well. In real life they were beautifully rich metalic teals and purples, but sadly in the pictures they were wishy washy silvers and browns...Oooops haha never mind, I still love it anyway. I think the look suits Kat to a tee and she said it was her favourite one so far (even tho she didn't like having her neck painted hehe). You can't see to well on the pics (bit of a disaster all round this time) but I painted broken butterfly wings all over her neck. They looked beautiful :D

So what d'you guys think? Hope you like it!!

Speak Soon xx

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