Senin, 26 Maret 2012

More Pink! Essence Sweet as Candy and Cloud Tips!

Hi Guys! Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!

Today I have another lovely Pink to share with You. Essence Sweet As Candy from their Colour & Go Line is a a gorgeous soft pink jelly. I did not expect to love this so much, since very light, sheer polish just isn't my thing, but it's really growing on me. I had intended to just use this as a base for some nail art, but I loved it so much that I wore it alone for a day.  So soft and pretty! This is 2 generous coats of squishy goodness over Instant Artificials:

 I just love Essence. I swear for 99 cents, those little polishes are a steal.  I do wish that my Ulta carried more than a handful of colors though. 

Formula on this girl was lovely. Perfect Jelly application. I did have a few spots of balding, but that was more my own impatience between coats. Otherwise, I can't complain at all.

I also wanted to try out some of Nailside's designs, and I thought that some little clouds would be perfect with this color. My only problem was that I used mini polishes for the silver and pink clouds, and the brushes were too small to make the strokes wide enough to cover my entire nail. So I just left them as is since I wasn't sure that adding another stroke would look ok. I kind of like how they only cover 3/4 of the tip, and for a first attempt at this design with flat, square mini brushes, it didn't turn out half bad. The perfectionist in me isn't pleased, but IRL they do look very cute and the flaws aren't as obvious, so I can live with them.  I will definitely be trying this design again.

Fun stuff! Seriously, don't laugh too hard at my attempt at clouds. I promise my next attempt will be better! And I'll take pics right away so you guys don't have to look at my tip wear.  ;)

 For my clouds I used Essence Icy Princess (Silver) and Pixel Mis-chief-ous (Pink). I'm not sure how I feel about the color combo, but it's tolerable. Hubs loves it, and that always makes me feel good. I think I'm just not used to using this much pink at one time. I adore pink, but I prefer dark, vampy colors on my nails and seeing this much pink kinda throws me off!

 And check out my cuticles! They're far from perfect, but still a vast improvement! I've been using Solar Oil for close to 2 weeks, and my cuticles are actually there and constantly improving! I may end up with pretty cuticles yet! Considering how problematic and shabby my cuticles are, and how much I tend to lose patience and just snip/gnaw at them, this is a HUGE change. I have no desire to mess with them beyond some cuticle remover, and since my products aren't at all harsh (Burt's Bees and Solar Oil), no more swelling and cracking. Yay!!!!!! Let's hope this trend continues!

Hope you're all having a decent Monday, if such a thing exists!

Happy Polishing!

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