Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013

I'm Undead

Hello makeup-lovers and fellow spooks!

I'm not dead, I haven't decided to stop blogging and I have not been kidnapped by aliens. The thing is I've had a couple of busy and quite tough weeks. A lot of things have happened and left me awfully tired and energy-deprived. Now I have two days off and I hope to be able to utilize them for doing some new makeup looks and above all get some rest to refuel my inner warp-core (höhöhöhö! Geeky joke-warning).

Some oldies that might give you some inspiration. :) 

Well, I hope to be back with a creative and fun look soon and in addition to that some reviews of makeup that I have tried out lately and also some skin care products that have really helped me to get rid of issues that have plagued my complexion for years. I am also planning on doing some perfectly wearable (and gothic of course!) fall looks. :) When these plans will manifest themselves in the real world is unclear but if life is kind it will be very soon.

I hope every one of you have had a great summer and is looking forward to fall with renewed spirits! As for me, whatever lies ahead of me this fall is sure to bring change into my life. But I'm ready for whatever challenges are thrown on me and will gladly take them on. ;)

Thanks for reading and hope to see you real soon!

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