Green Eyes
When you take a look at the colour wheel and find out that your colours are pink, reds and purples you might be a little nervous. Because... how do you use red eye makeup without looking like a circus clown or someone with allergies? But, you have to translate the colours in the wheel to a more useable version. Also you don't have to go all in with a red lid, but use it as a subtle detail paired with more neutral colours.
I find purple colours the most suitable for green eyes as they are not sickly looking and come in a great variation of nuances. But also gold ans bronzed reds and copper will be very beautiful for the greens.
See how the purples enhance that gorgeous green eye? You can go all in with the purple or just add a flick of purple eyeliner to the waterlines of your eyes for a little pop of colour. As for the bronzed look, I know this is a bit much, but it is just to show hoe the green nuance of those eyes jump out. Go for a brush of bronze on the lid and tone down with a neutral brown in the crease.
Blue Eyes
For blue eyes my favorite eye shadow colours are the rusty red and orange metallic colours. They make those blues stand out as a red dress in a black crowd. Also warm and satin finished browns and yellows are extremely pretty. But otherwise purple is yet again a go-to colour even for the blues.

This really makes those lovely baby blues stand out.
The warm and subtle bronzes warm up the eyes, and add a yellow or golden colour to the inner corner and you will obtain a piercing gaze that will make a man stop (like in the Geisha film). So play around with tiny splashes of colour if you don't want to go all in and look like a model straight from the runway.
Brown Eyes
For those of you that have those lovely dark brown eyes, there are lots of colours to go to. Because of the darkness of the eye, almost any colour will act as an enhancer of your eyes. But as for the safe colours go for lovely matte blues and petrols/teal colours. Also green and gold will work very well for your pretty eyes.
See? Those brown doe eyes get really lively when rimmed with pretty jewel colours. Again use colour with eyeliners for a more toned down version. Eyeliners really do make a huge difference.
Well, and for those mixed up coloured eyes that are always forgotten
Take a view at both of the colours of your eyes. Both complimentary colour variations will be very good for you.
The key advice for adding colour to your makeup regime is not to rule out all blues just because that blue 80's eyeshadow that was once an obligatory ingredient in your makeup kit still haunts your worst nightmares. Use deeper and more dusty versions then. Go to a huge makeup counter and just take a look at all those different nuances. I must recommend MAC, but also Art Deco, HOT, and Nougat have a large variety of colours if you don't find the Danish Matas adequate enough.