Ok so a million years ago the lovely Ashii of Miss Asshii Beauty and the lovely Duvessa of One Of Beautys Daughters both nominated me for blog awards - Yay!! But, being as rubbish as I am (sorry ladies) I never got round to doing the post *smacks back of own hand!! But recently the gorgeous Nykki of Nykki's Mane Blog also gave me an award so I thought it was about time I got my act together. I'm so grateful to receive these blog awards and I didn't forget, and today I finally did my post :D
I was nominated for...
by Ashhi and...
by Duvessa and...
by Nykki.
Thank you so much ladies!!
So the rules for The Best Blog Award are...
# Link back to the person who gave this award to you
- Already done above
# Share 7 Random things about yourself
- See my answers on a previous post here
# Award 15 blogs (the other two awards say 10 so I'm going with that for all three)
- I'm going to pass this on to...
Sonja at The Beautiful Life Of The Girl Next Door
Meredith at Pigments & Palettes
Ronnie at Bows and Curtseys
Kassie at Unique Desire
Robyn at Stay Beautiful
Nykki at Nykki's Mane Blog
Heather at Wifezilla Hekela
Holly at Beauty_Spot
Kayla at Beauty by Kayla Shevonne
And finally Angie at Glitter and Unicorns
# Next answer the following questions about yourself...
-What's your favourite colour
Definitely bright Pink!! It can boost my mood in an instant (sorry Elaine...there's no hope for me haha)
Haha Thank Heaven for the Mister or that could be me in that picture!!
-What's your favourite song
Hmmm tricky...I can't pick there's too many!! We were playing a game with some friends the other weekend called Drop It Like It's Hot where each couple has a laptop and we line up tracks on Youtube and try to out do each other with classic tunes (there are forfeits involved too which often include shots :S). Somebody asked me this same question then, and not only could I not answer, but my head went completely blank of all music!!
...Right I've had time to think about it! Maybe Elbow 'One Day Like This' cos it reminds me of the Mister and always makes me smile, or Foo Fighters 'Everlong' probably for the same reason because we been to watch Foo's together so many times and it's always AMAZING!! Arrgghhh I don't know! It's too hard haha
Pic from Metal.com
-What's your favourite desert
Mmmm no doubts here, it's my Mums home made trifle! In the words of Homer Simpson...Aaaagggghhhhlllllghgghhlllaaa haha
-What pisses you off?
Rude people who think they can shout and stamp their feet and bully their way into getting what they want. Doesn't work with me!! And people who always blame others for their problems...Look within!
-When your upset, you?
Try to stay level headed and identify my real emotions. It's often easy to fly off the handle and over react to things...and this just leads to regret!
-Your favourite pet
Hmmm Fuddah or the Mister? Fuddah-or-the-Mister? Haha only joking Mister, it's definitely Fuddah. Although I do want to be a Hedgehog Foster Mommy over the Winter so he may have some competition haha.
-Black or White?
I like both but probably black. It hides a multitude of sins!
-Your biggest fear?
I'm not telling you my real biggest fear cos I don't tell anyone that, but I will tell you my other ones...Wasps and Tortoises. I'm terrified of both!! The only difference is that despite my fear I actually do like Tortoises, I DO NOT LIKE WASPS!!
Pic from Edmayo.wordpress.com
...Urgghh!! It made my ears prickle and my toes curl just looking at pics to upload *shudders!!
-My best feature is
My creativity
-My everyday attitude
Take each day as it comes, and if you don't like something about your life don't moan about it...CHANGE IT!!
-What is perfection
It's the little imperfections that I like. Makes life interesting.
-Guilty pleasure
Jedward hahahahahaha I LOVE THEM!! I'll probably get shot for saying that!! They are definitely the Marmite of the entertainment industry.
Pic from CoventryTelegraph.net
So cute in their little matching outfits haha.
Ok so that was Ashiis award...you still with me? Now it's time for Duvessas!! The rules for this one are as follows...
# Thank the person who tagged you and link to their blog.
- Already done above!
# Put the Top 10 Award logo on your blog.
- Done
# Choose 10 bloggers to tag, link to their blogs, and let them know.
- This is gonna be the same as the list above.
# List your top 10 cosmetics.
- So my Top 10 can't live withouts are as follows...
Clinique 3 step. The most important thing in my beauty regime is definitely skin care. I suffered skin allergies for years when I was younger and tried all the products under the sun, but as soon as I discovered the 3 step my troubles were gone. I haven't changed my skincare regime in years, but if it aint broke don't fix it!!
Joico Moisture Surge Hair Care Range. I have really, really thick unruly hair. It's got a really nice natural curl but I often wear it straight so the slightest hint of moisture or humidity means I look like Crystal Tips. Joico really helps to keep it under control. With working in a salon I also colour my hair a lot so Joico really helps to keep it moisturised and shiney. I love it!!
CND Solar Oil for Nails. In my opinion this little thing is a miracle in a bottle!! I have really dry, weak nails. I always have had, but then I was introduced to Solar Oil. I use it once or twice a day on my nails and hands and it's amazing. It moisturises like nothing I've ever found before. It's great for natural nails, Shellac, Gel, Acrylic, the lot. I always keep a little bottle with me now.
Mac Fix+. I love this stuff. It takes my makeup from flat and powdery to natural and dewy in seconds. You can mix it with shadows and pigments for a different look and it smells beautiful. I spray it all over my face in the morning and I feel really uplifted
Nina Ricci Le Paradis de Nina Eau de Toilette Spray. My all time favourite scent!! It's sweet, it's fruity, it just smells soooo good. I love it!!
St. Moriz Instant Self Tanning Mousse. I love to have a year round summer glow. Whilst this is a fairly new product, it's very quickly made it's way into my beauty must haves. It's so easy to use (no more fake tan disasters for me), it has a great colour, and the price is unbelievable.
Mac Blacktrack Fluidline is a must for me. It can take a look from drab to dramatic in seconds and it lasts all night. It does dry out a little quickly, but it's staying power for me is fabulous. I have really really watery eyes, and there are very few liners I have found that can cope with this. There are other ones out there that don't dry out as quickly, and have staying power, but I find they're too shiny or they lack in opacity, so this really is the one for me.
Mac Self Propelling Eyebrow Crayon in Lingering. I can't live without it!! I really think that brows make a look. I've been fanatical about them since I can remember. I like them to be really defined, but still natural looking and Mac SPEC gives me this every time.
Eylure Lashes are another must for me. They have a wide variety, I don't need to mess about cutting them as they're the perfect length for my eyes, the glues fine, the price is good and in my opinion they just complete a look!!
Mac Gently Off Eye & Lip Makeup Remover because at the end of the day you just need something to take it all off and this works a treat. I wear a lot of liner and mascara when I go for a full on look and this is the only thing for me that shifts it 100% and doesn't irritate my eyes. Again, I've tried many makeup removers and even found some that I like, but this is just really convenient, effective, and it's done in seconds. Does what it says on the tin!!
Ok, so that's Duvessa's award. Hang on in there though cos now it's time for Nykki's.
You'll all be thankfull to know that the rules for this one are simply to pass the award on to 10 different blogs you love and feel deserve the award (same list as above). Link them in your post and let them know you awarded them.
Phew!! There you go, the end of MEGA POST haha. Thank you so much Ladies!! Hope the rest of you have fun doing yours :D
Speak Soon xx
Jumat, 30 September 2011
Army green eyes
I really like green eyeshadow. Especially the yellowy greens. I don't know why but I always am drawn to the army greens, olives, and lime greens as opposed to the blue greens. So this is a look I did using my 88 palette. I really wanted to create some depth with this so hopefully that come across haha.
And here are the colors I used from the 88 palette
Sorry this is kinda blurry |
So that's my super exciting look for today! I hope you guys all have a great weekend! I can't believe that tomorrow is October already! Thank you all so much!
Kamis, 29 September 2011
Final Fantasy!
Hey! I've decided to wrap up the Fantasy series cos I've got lots of other ideas that I really want to get cracking on! So for my final post I thought I'd have a round up of the characters so far (I'll probably do another series based around this theme in the future so there will be more to come). So here they are...
Dark Faerie...
Flower Fairy...
Forest Nymph...
Wise Owl...
Hope y'all enjoyed it as much as me!
Speak Soon xx
Dark Faerie...
Flower Fairy...
Forest Nymph...
Wise Owl...
Hope y'all enjoyed it as much as me!
Speak Soon xx
Selasa, 27 September 2011
Getting used to my brown hair!
So this has been different. It's amazing what a change in hair color can do! The makeup I can wear is different and now different colors look better than the ones that used to. And I can NEVER leave my house without filling in my brows now (not that I would anyways but now I really can't haha). So here are two looks (we went to Myrtle Beach this past weekend, otherwise I'd have more) that I've done recently. They're not super exciting but I like them anyways!
I like how this hair color makes my eyes stand out more, so I kinda tried to play that up a little.
I like how this hair color makes my eyes stand out more, so I kinda tried to play that up a little.
I used Inglot pigment 68, Urban Decay "Twice Baked", a tan from my 88 palette, and Inglot 393 p for this look.
And this one has been a staple in my makeup routine lately (I change the colors though). It's so easy but it's dramatic enough to keep me happy. I'm actually more comfortable having a heavy line under my eye than on my lid. I think it's because of my eye shape.
Sorry about the wet hair! |
I used MAC "Vanilla" and "Melon" pigments, a super sparkley gold/white Jesse's Girl pigment (sorry, it doesn't have a name on it) which is so pretty but didn't show up on camera very well, and a little bit of Inglot 363 m to contour my eye. And under my eye, I put a layer of NYX "Black bean" JEP and then I used a Sally Girl baked purple eyeshadow (sorry, again, no name.) this little shadow is GREAT over a base (on its own, not so much) but it's only .99 at Sally Beauty Supply.
I just got this new facial moisturizer that so far I'm in love with. If it keeps it up, I'll do a review for you because so far, it's awesome! I have troublesome skin that usually hates new things so since I haven't reacted badly yet, I have high hopes!
Sorry the makeup isn't amazingly creative but it's getting harder and harder for me to find time to wear crazy makeup because sometimes I have to go to my daughter's school and always the bus stop and I don't want to be the crazy makeup mom haha. But I hope you can appreciate the toned down makeup as well! Thank you guys!!
Senin, 26 September 2011
Excuse the terrible quality phone photographs - I am a donut and drenched my SLR in a litre of rum and coke, so my good camera was out of action until I could afford a new one!
Also the amazing eyeball design in the first three photos is by WAH Nails!

Also the amazing eyeball design in the first three photos is by WAH Nails!

Sabtu, 24 September 2011
matte black manicure
hola hola!!!!
Empiezo por contarles que ya tengo un mes que estoy en la escuela para manicurista y he estado esperando a que mi kit de acrilico llegara!!! yay por fin antier llego el dia jueves, tome algunas fotos las cuales pondre despues, tambien quiero poner fotos de mis herramientas de trabajo y que es lo que necesitan para empezar a ser manicurista y pedicurista.
Bueno ahora a lo que vamos, hoy en la madrugada decidi usar mi matte top coat sobre un esmalte negro con destellos plateados, y me encanto el resultado!!! tome muchas fotos para poder lograr captar como se ve el negro matte y tambien quise agregarle en la punta de la unia color negro sin la capa matte para lograr un efecto de french manicure diferente, hace mucho tiempo que no usaba el color negro en mis unias, la verdad esque yo no decido los colores que usare mas bien compro esmaltes que me gustan y los guardo, despues cuando voy a pintar mis unias elijo el color segun como me sienta.
Amo el efecto de la capa matte y ademas con el french negro me parece hermoso!!!
Empiezo por contarles que ya tengo un mes que estoy en la escuela para manicurista y he estado esperando a que mi kit de acrilico llegara!!! yay por fin antier llego el dia jueves, tome algunas fotos las cuales pondre despues, tambien quiero poner fotos de mis herramientas de trabajo y que es lo que necesitan para empezar a ser manicurista y pedicurista.
Bueno ahora a lo que vamos, hoy en la madrugada decidi usar mi matte top coat sobre un esmalte negro con destellos plateados, y me encanto el resultado!!! tome muchas fotos para poder lograr captar como se ve el negro matte y tambien quise agregarle en la punta de la unia color negro sin la capa matte para lograr un efecto de french manicure diferente, hace mucho tiempo que no usaba el color negro en mis unias, la verdad esque yo no decido los colores que usare mas bien compro esmaltes que me gustan y los guardo, despues cuando voy a pintar mis unias elijo el color segun como me sienta.
para este manicure solo use 3 cosas: sinful colors-''secret admirer'', hard candy-''matte-ly in love'' y aunque no aparece en la foto use klreancolor nail to toe en negro (olvide tomarle foto)
un poco borroso :s pronto hare una lightbox para tener mejores fotos :D
Esta foto es dentro de mi casa para que logren ver el acabado matte
Esta y las siguientes fotos las tome afuera en la sombra y en el sol
jeje perdon por las manchas de esmalte al rededor de mi unia no tuve mucho tiempo de limpiar el desastre
Amo el efecto de la capa matte y ademas con el french negro me parece hermoso!!!
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