Jumat, 20 April 2012

Inspired by the Dragon from "Enchanted"

I know I can't be the only one who gets sucked into Disney movies even when there are no children around.  This happened to me the other day.  The movie "Enchanted" was on and I just got sucked in and watched it even though my daughter was at school haha.  But I was excited in the scene where the evil queen becomes a dragon because of the gorgeous colors they chose to make the dragon!  I was inspired!

Here's a picture of the dragon!

My look came out a bit more green (I was going from memory and remembered it a bit more green... whoops!) but it was fun to do!  So here's the look:

Color Placement:
All Makeup Geek Eyeshadows:
1- Shimmermint
2- Mermaid
3- Peacock
4- Envy
5- Duchess
6- Unicorn
7- Wisteria
8- Bling

It felt good to be inspired and do a look with lots of colors!  

Also I have good news!  Meredith Jessica from Pigments and Palettes is awesome a decided to feature me as her blogger of the month for April.  She does a really fun (but tough!) interview so CLICK HERE if you want to check that out!

And a quick personal update, I go in for my 4th round of chemo on Monday.  I'm not looking forward to it, especially since I'm feeling good right now and I know it'll make me feel like poo.  I mean, I know I have to do it but I really dread going.  I was debating on doing a "Come to Chemo" with me post but I'm not sure if you guys would be interested in seeing that or if I'd be allowed to take pictures in the office where they do the chemo.  Let me know what you think about that idea.

But other than that I feel almost back to normal, my tummy is still sore from surgery but I can deal as long as I don't feel like I'm gonna puke haha.  My skin is getting better so I've been feeling a little better and actually wanting to do makeup, which makes me happy.  

So that's what I have for today!  I hope you all are doing well!!  Thanks for checking this out!!

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