Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Essie's Mojito Madness

Mojito anyone?

I picked this colour up and knew exactly what I wanted to do with it.  The name inspired me of course.  This is another first attempt for me.  I decided to make half limes at the tips of my nails. I’ve seen a lot of fruit nails and really wanted to try it myself.  I used two coats of Essie’s ‘Mojito Madness’ for the base of my nails. I found the nail polish to be a bit thick.  I don’t think it was a manufacturing problem.  The cap had some polish on it when I bought it and a bit of dried polish around where the lid screwed it on.  It was the last bottle so I took it anyways. 
For the limes I made a semi circle with Sally Hansen’s Xtreme Wear ‘White On’.  This is by far my favourite white.  It’s the perfect consistency for me. I don’t have to add a million coats for it to become opaque.  I made the outside skin of the lime with Revlon’s ‘Posh’.  This was extremely difficult for me.  I used the dotter to make the line. I really need to invest in a good set of nail art brushes.  For the inside wedges of the lime I used Mojito Madness again and for the little seeds I used Sally Hansen’s Mellow Yellow.  I added a top coat to smooth out the finished product.  I’m new to the nail art aspect so I find my designs get a little clumpy. 

Other than the problem with the consistency of my polish was that it stained my nails.  Were talking big time stain. I realize that it is because I didn't use a base coat but even so I don't think a polish should stain as severely as it did :(

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