Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

I'm baaaaaaaaack!

Hi guys! I'm happy to report that my dad was released from the hospital today (finally! yay!!!), so I'm back and ready to spam! It's been a crazy week, I just could not focus on this blog with my dad in the hospital. I'm sure you guys understand.  I was, however, still polishing away, since doing my nails relaxes me and gives me something to focus on. It was a good distraction from worrying about my dad.

Anyway, I missed being here. I really need to catch up on everybody's blogs as well! I also have a ton of errands to run! I finally made it to the grocery store tonight - I've been picking up little things here and there as we needed them, but I just couldn't manage to get much done. My dad is my hero, and lemme tell ya, seeing him in a hospital bed really messed with my head. Now that he is home, I'm relaxing and I don't have to worry as much. Also, Ms. Marijo? I think I may overnight your package, since I didnt have a chance to get to the post office this week. Thank you for being so patient with me! I swear I didn't know this year was going to start off with so much crap!

So, back to the polish! This mani is actually the mani I did for Pink Wednesday last week. I had planned on posting it Wednesday morning, but I woke up to the call saying my father was being rushed to the hospital, so it has just sat in my Pink Wednesday folder until now.  For this mani I chose Finger Paint's Up And Coming Artist. This polish is so very old! I think I picked this up about 3 years ago! It's one of my favorite pinks, and even after sitting in my polish cabinet for so long, the formula was still smooth as silk. My pic don't really do it justice: I need to mess around with my light box since I think I'm actually getting too much light. This polish is a gorgeous pink with very subtle pink/purple iridescent shimmer. I love it!

Um, please forgive the weird black thingies and random cat hair. I have no idea why I didn't notice those while I was taking pics! Sheesh! I am such a dork! But I digress.....

Later on I decided that it needed a little something, so I stamped using one of my Red Angel plates and Konad Special Polish in black. I had a hard time lining up this particular image. It's an abstract image, and it can be used so many ways. I love it, but I really could've done a little better at centering it. Another reason to lay off the coffee, right? ;)

I am really loving these Red Angel plates. Most of the images are really unique, and I can't wait to do some more stamping with them. My only complaint is that they don't have the paper backing, and the sides are VERY SHARP! I managed to actually slice a finger on one of them. Their customer service is awesome as well; 3 of my plates were scratched through the images when I received them, and within days they had sent replacement plates. Very awesome.

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! Looking forward to reconnecting with you guys now that I'm no longer in crisis mode.

Happy Polishing!

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