Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Weekend makeup!

Every weekend I pretty much always forget to take pictures of my makeup because the hubby is off of work and we're almost always doing something.  I did remember to take a few on Friday so here's that look

This picture's kinda creepy now that I'm looking at it haha.
And you can see why almost every picture of a single open eye is usually my left (on the right here) eye.
My right eye is slightly more hooded so my left eye is more photogenic haha.

The purple color is Inglot 392 M
And then I believe I just used black in the crease.  It was a really easy look.  I had forgotten to take pictures early in the day so I have nothing on my lips in these pictures haha.

On Saturday we went down to Charlotte for a reptile show (my husband's lizards needed food) and then we went to a big outlet mall there to do some back to school shopping for my daughter.  I was bored in the car so I started taking pictures haha (I do that A LOT when I have my camera and I'm bored).  My Briana:
 My hubby (because I'm super jealous of the cheekbones, his whole family has them, it's not really fair)
 Oooh, a rearview mirror picture!
 Haha this was of my daughter and I but her eyes were closed so here's the only picture I have of myself from Saturday and you really cannot see my makeup very well.  It's such a pretty picture haha (it makes me laugh at least).
 And we found this really cool decorative license plate that my daughter said, "looks like my friend Sullivan"
What do you think?  I think it's pretty darn close.  Haha I've had more than one person say, "I have a t-shirt with a picture of him on it."  So I thought it was neat to find this.

And then I didn't wear any makeup yesterday or today so that's awesome.  I spent the day painting my walls. We have a flat finish paint and I don't know if anyone else has a child who needs to touch every corner they go around.  Or who needs to hold on to both sides of the stairwell wall when they come down the stairs but I had child fingerprints all over my walls and my parents are coming down for a visit soon (I'm SUPER excited!!!) so I wanted to get rid of the fingerprints and make it look clean again.  

I hope you guys all have an incredible week!  Thanks for taking time out of your life to read this!

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