Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Giveaway winners! And a look inspired by the first place winner's celebrity makeup crush!

Something I had wanted to do when announcing the winner of my giveaway was to do a look inspired by the first place winner's celebrity makeup crush.  Now, I get why the winner chose this person as their celebrity crush, however, she is not mine.... I don't think I told you guys mine.  Mine has to be Jennifer Lopez.  I just think she always looks gorgeous and she's not afraid to throw a bit of color in the mix.  And Kim Kardashian was OVERWHELMINGLY the celebrity makeup crush winner.

Anyway, back to what I was saying haha, so here is the look I did inspired by the winner's celebrity crush.
I had a wicked time getting a decent picture of this makeup.  It's raining out and it just wasn't working with me.  Can you tell who my inspiration was???

My inspiration was... Lady Gaga.

I found a few different pictures of her where her makeup is similar and kinda meshed them all up and did my own thing haha.

Was Lady Gaga your makeup crush???  If so, maybe you won!

Ok, maybe I'll stop teasing you now and tell you who the winners were:
Congratulations to Kassie on winning the 10 color stacker and to Silke (who chose Hilary Duff) for winning the 3 colors and the loose glitter!!

I'll be sending you an e-mail in a couple of  minutes and you have 48 hours to get back to me with your address so I can get your stuff out to you before I move on to the next person!!

Thank you all so much for entering!  I think doing giveaways is so much fun and I really wish I could do them more often!  

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