Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Nail Polish Tag! I'm it!

I finally have a chance to sit down and do this! The lovely Marijo over at MariJoNails tagged me in her post, and I'm gonna bite since I think this is a neat little polish type meme.  Also, if you haven't already, go check out her blog! MariJo is fabulous and fun and has great taste in polish!

Ok, so here we go!

The rules are:
1.  Answer 10 questions
2.  Pass this tag to 5 bloggers
3.  Make sure that the bloggers you tagged know about this.

1. How many polishes do you have?
I don't know the exact number at the moment, but last count was 406, and that was a good 60 polishes ago! Lucky me, I don't have to buy all my own polishes - alot were gifts. I'm also adept at finding great polish for a pittance!

2. What is your favorite brand of nail polish?
I have to pick one? Sheesh. Ummmmm....Hmmmm...I love Essie in a big way, Zoya, Butter London are close seconds although I don't have alot of those. Hard to find new color out here in NM for some reason. My fave drugstore brands are Revlon, Milani, and Essence. This is a tough question since I love all polish and can find something I love in any brand!

3. Do you like crackle nail polish, or do you hate it?
I'm on the fence. It really depends on the crackle itself. I have a bunch of crackles, but have only worn a crackle mani a few times. I did pick up a few of the Pure Ice Crackle sets recently just to see how they compare.

4. What is your first nail polish brand?
My very first was Revlon - I even remember the color! It was Cherries In The Snow. My Grandma had it and gave it to me since I thought it was just the most amazing red nail polish I had ever seen. I think I was around 10.

6. What nail polish color does not compliment you?
Nudes. Man, I look bad in Nudes. I have a slight Olive tint to my skin tone, and nudes just make me look bland and washed out. Obviously I am NOT a fan of the Mannequin Hands trend.

7. What color does compliment you?
Rich, Dark Colors. Vampies. Blues and Deep Purples.

8. Name two of your best nail art friends.
I don't have any IRL friends that even paint their nails! MariJo is one of my very fave polish pals (she's awesome and easy to talk to. Love her!) and I adore Esther from FabFingertips (which reminds me that I need to finish my darn email to her! I am a slacker. I blame Xmas shopping!). I also have my Nail Idols, Katherine over at Manicure Addict and the incredibly talented Cristina at Let Them Have Polish. I'm finally getting to know some of the other bloggers out there as well, and having a blast doing it. I love making friends that are into polish!

9. What was the best nail polish gift you have ever received?
Nfu-Oh #51. My hubs ordered it for me since I was lemming it in a huge way. That and for my bday last year my sister and niece got me a ton of awesome polishes as well as glitters, bullion, crushed flakes, etc.

10. Make a speech about thanking the blogger who tagged you.
MariJo! What can I say!? You are the awesomest, and I have so much fun chatting with you. I'm glad that I met you, and am so happy that I can call you my friend. And if I'm ever out your way (I have family out there so ya never know!), we are totally having a little 2 woman party!! Thanks for thinking of me, I'M NOT WORTHY!!!! :)

And forget 5 bloggers! I'm tagging all of you guys! C'mon, do it! You know you wanna tell us a bit about your collection and faves! Inquiring minds want to know!!!

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