Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Savvy Red Caviar - Sick as a dog post

Hi guys!

I am sick as hell again. I have these clients that seem to get sick every other week, and every time they get sick, either hubs or myself does as well. Looks like my turn this time. I am so stuffed up, congested, and last night my lungs just hurt from coughing and trying to breathe. It's miserable, and I am never going near that house without clorox wipes again! But I decided that I should post something, since I'm still feeling icky and most likely won't get a mani finished today. :(

This is Red Caviar by Savvy, a gorgeous deep wine with hidden microshimmer. I love this color! The formula was a bit streaky and had some drag/balding, so this baby needed 3 good coats and a good coat of SV to even it out. I feel that this color is worth it, though!

I'll hopefully be back tomorrow with more Spoiled manis. Keep your fingers crossed that I can shake this plague!!!

Red Caviar, in Lightbox:

Gorgeous, no? I don't wear Reds often at all, but when I do I always wonder why I tend to overlook them.

Obviously these were taken way before my week of broken nails - I actually wore this with a stamped accent nail just before Valentine's Day. Looking at them makes me sad since even after cutting my nails down, I still managed to break my index nail on my left hand, leaving me with a nubbin and forcing me to take my other nails even more. In all I probably lost a good 4mm (at least) and am left with something close, but not quite nubbins. I hate losing my length, but I have to admit that part of the fun is growing my nails out, and seeing how fast and far they grow over a certain time period. Usually I give them about 2 months to get to where I want them, and maybe 2-3 weeks to get to where I start to enjoy them again. Thankfully I love polish too much to wait until my nails get some length back to post! Anyway, watch for my poor little abused nubs tomorrow or Friday!

Hope you're all feeling excellent! I'm going to go nurse this plague.

Happy Polishing!

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