Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

Candied Lustre - Get Figgy With It! Color Changing Polish

 Press Sample

*Product(s) Featured provided for review. Please see Disclaimer/Legal Page for more information** 

Hello Lovelies! Wow, I am so late with posts this week. It's been a rough week, and I hope you all understand that not only am I just incredibly busy, but I'm having to take some time to process.

My mother's final test results came in today. She is officially Stage 4 Lung Cancer (adenocarcinoma), and it is NOT curable. It can be treated in an attempt to slow the progression, but she will never be cancer free. Keep in mind that we just lost my husband's father to the exact same thing in March. He was diagnosed in September as we were told the same thing - Not curable but treatable. Obviously I am terrified that she won't have as long as we're hoping for. The cancer is terribly aggressive, going from possible remission from stage 2, to full blown incurable Stage 4 in 4 weeks time. It's taking it's toll on my whole family.

I know in my heart of hearts that you all understand. I tend to take this blog seriously since it's my one love outside of my family. I love blogging, and I love hearing from all of you. Next week will be better, I promise. I have a literal TON of polish to share.

The new giveaway will be up and running over the weekend. I just can't manage to get it to it right now. It's hard to keep up with my head  and heart in such turmoil. I'm also skipping Flakie Friday this week, but it will be back next week.

But hey, let's not wallow. Let's check out some polish!

Candied Lustre is a new to me brand that I came across on Instagram a few weeks ago. I was incredibly impressed with their thermal polishes, and was lucky enough to be able to swatch them for you! Today I have the first polish in the 3 polish colection.

Get Figgy With It is a beautiful bright pink (warm) to a fig colored purple/pink (cold) with scattered holographic particles. It is a black based thermal, which makes the color shift very intense and dramatic, and the colors very rich.

This is Get Figgy With It in its warm state, which is what it looked like on me most of the time. I tend to run very warm though, so your results may be different.

3 thin coats, topped with HK Girl Top Coat:

Okay, so pinks make me a bit lobstery (and I'm a bit splotchy here from having my hands in Cold water for the color change shots) - But I still adore them! This is such a beautiful deep pink, and the touch of holo makes this baby shine.

Next up, is Get Figgy With It in it's cold state. I will not lie, this was hard to capture given that my lighting set up is incredibly hot. As in burn your hands kind of hot. I had to dip my hand (bottle included) into a bowl of Ice water, submerge it for a good 1-2 minutes, then shove my hand into the light box, shoot fast, and hope I was in focus! Sounds tedious but I actually had some fun with it. I love to photograph challenging polishes, and thermals can be hard to capture.  But I digress! Let's see Get Figgy With It after the color change!

Can I just mention how much I love the color change on this girl? Look at that! Such a gorgeous color to being with, but the fig color when cold is so amazing. I spent alot of time intentionally touching cold things while I had this on.

Get Figgy With It (and you KNOW you're having a Will SMith moment now!) was wonderful to work with. The formula was nice and smooth, with no thickening, gooping or glopping. Application was a breeze and I had no problems with dragging or balding. Get Figgy With It does start out a touch sheer, but builds nicely. I'm wearing 3 coats since I tend to apply very thin coats, but 2 slightly heavier coats would've sufficed. This polish dries to a satin finish, so if you want shine, you'll want to use topcoat. I really loved this without topcoat, and will definitely wear it that way next time.

I love thermal polish and I am highly impressed with Candied Lustre. You can find their shop at Candied Lustre on Etsy. Full size polishes range from $7.25 - $8.00, depending on finish. Be sure to check out all of their gorgeous polish while you're there! You can also follow Candied Lustre on Facebook for swatches, re-stock info, and new releases.

What do you think of Get Figgy With It? Are you a fan of thermal polish?

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Polishing!

*Product(s) Featured provided for review. Please see Disclaimer/Legal Page for more information**  

Press Sample

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