Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

Flakie Friday! BG Cosmetics Flake My Day

Hello lovelies! Happy Friday! I'm really hoping that this will be my last day of late posting, but my son is deep in the terrible two's (at almost 3) and accomplishing anything without help is almost impossible. It's taken me 5 hours to shoot pics (not all that great, but the best I could do under the circumstances), crop and watermark photos, and write this post. Crazy, right? I love being a mom but I could use some downtime.

But...since there is literally no rest for the wicked, I will be launching another giveaway within the next few days! I'm celebrating 300 FB likes, and want to say thank you to everyone that follows me here and on FB. If you have yet to follow in either place, you may want to do so now - it will save you a step when the giveaway goes live. Also, as an added bonus, if KLK on FB hits 500 likes during the giveaway, I will launch another, simultaneous yet different giveaway along side this one. So spread the word! 
For today's Flakie Friday I have another awesome Indie Flakie to share with you all. You all know about my love affair with BG Cosmetics - in fact I have a ton of BG polishes that I plan on sharing with you ASAP. Ketlyn is a polish genius, and her creations are so unique and fabulous. When I saw that she had released a flakie, I had to have it right away.
Flake My Day (if you don't get the reference here, I will be disappointed!) is a blue/teal/green color shifting flakie in a sheer base.  One of my fave flakie color combos!

Ketlyn and I decided it would be fitting to show this beauty on my stilettos, and despite being kind of lame at photographing my right hand, I love my stilettos so much that I can't help but show them off.

I chose to use Flake My Day a bit differently than usual - I layered one coat of FMD over OPI Yoga-Ta Get This Blue, then topped that with a coat of Zoya Frida from the Gloss Collection. I love Zoya's Gloss polishes for layering, and Frida gave this mani the added depth I was looking for. I did add a coat of Gelous since FMD is a chunky flakie (of course my Gelous bubbled....thankfully my Glitter Food is on the way!). Any and all bubbles are entirely the fault of the evil Gelous.

*Sigh* Beautiful!! I really love how FMD looks over Yoga-ta Get This Blue, but it really looks awesome with a coat of Frida over the top!

Flake My Day's formula is on the thick side for a flakie, but this means that you get a ton of flakies in every brush stroke. I needed just one coat for full coverage. Application was easy peasy, due to the thicker formula. No fishing for flakies and no need to hand place the flakes. FMD does dry textured, so I recommed a coat of Glitter Food (Gelous has been bubbling like mad no matter what I do lately, so I'm saying buh-bye and going strictly to Glitter Food. I have 2 bottles on the way!) before top coating.

All BG Cosmetics products are 3-free, cruelty free, and lovingly handmade. You can grab your very own bottle of Flake My Day by visiting BG Cosmetics on Etsy. A 15 ml bottle is only $8.50, and you can save 15% by using code "kimberskorner" at checkout! Ketlyn also realeased her brand new "Party Like A Rockstar" Collection today as well. You do not wanna miss this one, guys! It's really cool! Hopefully I'll have swatches soon!

What do you think of Flake My Day? Have you grabbed any BG Cosmetics beauties yet?

I'll be back tomorrow with more awesome Indies! In the meantime, be sure to head on over to The Subtle Shimmer to check out Susan's awesome Nfu-Oh flakie!

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Polishing!

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