Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

NPR: Lisa's Little Luxuries - handmade jewelry!

Hello Lovelies! This post is a little later than I intended...Daylight savings always throws me off a little, but today it REALLY messed me up! In fact, I woke up from a nap with my son about 30 minutes ago...his internal clock must be confused as well since he napped for a good 5 hours!

Today I have something non-polish related to share with you all. I don't do a lot of posts about things that aren't polish, but sometimes I come across something that is too cool not to share. Such is the case with today's post.

If you're an Etsy fan like I am, you may have come across Lisa's Little Luxuries, a Handmade Jewelry shop. If you haven't, you definitely should, because Lisa makes some of the most beautiful jewelry I've had the pleasure of wearing. Let's take a look at some of her gorgeous creations!

These first 2 pieces are what you'll see me wearing the most. I love these not just because they are comfortable and look great, but because I don't have to attempt to attach a clasp on my own (I am notoriously bad at this, although I am getting better!).

Keep in mind that I am not great at describing jewelry! But hey, I'm trying here! :)

The red bracelet is a red beaded stretch bracelet, similar to Lisa's Tiger Blood Bracelet. I love the cut and color of this piece, and fully intend to buy the Tiger Blood bracelet now! The black is a little more complex, with what look to me like black pearl-like hematite stones and clear crystal bicones (like the red bracelet). This is also a stretch bracelet, and one you just have to see in person.

Despite wearing these almost daily, they have yet to stetch out of shape in the slightest. They're still shiny and show no sings of wear. Most notably, these are also very durable. My son likes to yank on them and I tend to get my hands tangled into things daily, snagging jewlery wherever I go, and these have no sign of harm. Love them! These are not available in the shop, however if you shoot Lisa an Etsy message, I'm sure she would be happy to let you know availability and pricing information.

Next up is the third bracelet, a gorgeous glass bead bracelet on a brass chain (brass? copper?). THis bracelet is so beautiful! I have worn this several times, but tend to wear it for meetings and the like, since I don't want anything to happen to it. It has proven to be durable as well, but I'm still cautious since I'm impatient and wouldn't want to wait for a new one! Charlie Cat also has a tendency to try to chew on the beads because she is weird. :)

Beautiful. I cannot tell you just how much I love this bracelet. Look at the color refraction through the glass, and that clasp! Just love. This piece is also not listed on the site, but feel free to shoot Lisa a message.

Next up is a simply gorgeous necklace - Amber and barely there amber/peach crystal bicones set into a silver chain comprise the majority of this drop necklace. The drop piece is also adorned with Amber and amber/peach bicones, and ends in an Amber rondelle. This piece is delicate, beautiful, and eye-catching. I was unable to grab a pic of this on, since my son was busy climbing me, but trust me, it's even more impressive!

This piece has become m favorite necklace outside of the cross and heart that I wear daily (that are representative of the births of my son and daughter). I have a fondness for drop necklaces in general, and Amber and silver happens to be one of my fave combos. I have received endless compliments on this piece as well.  This necklace is not listed on the site as of yet, but feel free to message Lisa!

Next I have the first of 2 rings, a Salmon colored adjustable flower ring. This ring is absolutely beautiful and the detail is amazing! I typically wear this in combination with the necklace shown above, but since I adore rings it tends to be worn on its own as well.

The first picture is much more color accurate. Photographing such a delicate piece with crazy neon nails didn't wotk out so well! Also, that little black spot is just a random speck of chocolate from a messy baby hand, and not a flaw in the jewelry. :) Anyway...I love how delicate and soft this ring is, yet it's still eye-catching and unique. Lisa has very similar rings listed on the shop currently.

Last but certainly not least, is this amazing blue heart ring. I have no words to describe this, so let's just take a look!

This ring can almost always be found on my right hand. Between the colors and cut, this ring is absolutely perfect for me, and I could not believe my eyes when I first opened my package. This piece photographs relatively true to life, save for the vibrancy. IRL the colors are so vibrant - you can't miss it. If anything ever happens to this piece, I'll be having a serious cry fest!

 You can find Lisa's incredible Jewelry at Lisa's Little Luxuries on Etsy. As I mentioned above, these particular pieces are not listed on Lisa's Little Luxuries at the time being, however, you can message Lisa if you are interested in one of these beauties.  But, if you can't find something in her shop? You may not be human! I have my eye on so many pieces....I literally have a list! Go....check it out...do it now!!!! You will not be sorry!

I'll be back tomorrow with Brand new Daring Digits and more!

Thanks for stopping by and happy shopping!

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