Selasa, 02 April 2013

Where have I been?

Gosh, guys, I suck.  I haven't blogged in about 3 months.  That's not good.  But I have to be honest with you, I haven't been paying any attention to my makeup hardly at all.  Seriously.  If you can see my makeup in this picture, this is pretty much what I look like every single day.

Since finishing my IV chemo treatments, my focus has been on what I can possibly do to make sure my cancer never comes back.  Being diagnosed at 26 and finding out you have a 6% chance of making it to 31 really makes you reevaluate some things in your life.

So what have I been doing?  I have been researching the heck out of what I can eat or drink to make my body as inhospitable to cancer as it can be.  I have watched documentaries like "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead", "Hungry for Change", "Forks Over Knives", and "Food Matters." I loved them all.  After watching all of them and researching a bit online I have come to the conclusion that having a primarily plant-based diet is the way to go to give myself the best odds to keep this cancer away.

I bought myself a juicer ( and I juice fruits and vegetables about once a day.  I LOVE my juices.  I bought myself a NutriBullet ( and do a green smoothie about once a day.  My other meal is usually something pretty healthy, I've found myself loving some quinoa.  I eat it all the time as like a substitute for oatmeal with bananas, blueberries, and almond milk.  It's so yummy!  I've started venturing into Hispanic and Asian markets.  I love them.  They have so much more produce than the American markets do, at much more reasonable prices.

So lately my focus has been completely off of the makeup scene and totally into the healthy eating scene.  I just really feel like my health and my family's health needs to be my main focus.  I have learned so much about how food can help or ruin your health and so I'm really trying to practice relatively clean eating.  I'm not going to become a full-on vegetarian or a vegan but I don't mind making more vegetarian or vegan choices.

However, I did do something a little out of my norm today for Autism awareness day.  So here's what I wore today!
It's not anything super special but it's a lot more color than I've worn in a long time!

I would like to get back to blogging more but I'm not sure if my blog might shift focus a little more toward the healthy eating spectrum and little off of the beauty.  I'm not sure.  If you have any questions about what I'm doing, please feel free to ask.  

Thank you, as always, for hanging in there with me!  I appreciate you all so much!

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