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Hello lovelies! Check it out! I'm posting again! I am determined to catch up here today, darn it! I really could use a few more hours in the day at the moment, but I will figure out a good blogging schedule, I swear it! I think it's difficult to blog at the moment since I have so much going on with my house and yard, as well as spending lots of time with my mother. It's a long story, but my mom and I are closer than ever at the moment and I am truly enjoying being with her. I'm over there every day now, and that's something that I don't want to give up. I'm thinking I'm going to have to write my posts in the evenings and schedule them for the next day instead of posting real time.
Anyway, today I have a quick update on my progress with Pure Nail Oil™. Unless you're living under a rock, you already know that I've been using Pure Nail Oil from NailCareHQ.com for just over 3 weeks now. When I first started, my cuticles were mangled and my nails were so dry that they curled like crazy, and were very brittle. You can read my original reveal post here, as well as Ana's fabulous post (which includes emails and conversations between Ana and myself), both tell the story of my compulsive nipping, numerous failed attempts at finding a product that actually worked, and the lengths I went to in order to hide the problem.
Monday marked 21 full days since I started using Pure™, and you might think that my results would have plateaued by now....but you'f be wrong! My eponychiums are still growing in completely, but for the first time in my life my cuticles aren't just unruly and hard. The biggest change in week 3 has to do with those horrible, rough, hard as a rock callouses on the sides of my nails. The skin there has been terribly calloused as long as I can remember. I've used all sorts of products to try and soften those puppies, and nothing made a difference. I figured I was just stuck with them, and ya know....nipped and nipped and nipped.
This past week, those callouses moved out. They started lifting up, much like a hangnail, and then I was able to grab my pumice stone and gently buff the rest off. The skin that is on the sides of my nails now? Smooth, soft, and not a callous that sits up so high that it obscures part of the nail! Woohoo! I know, it sounds kinda gross, but healing from the kind of damage that I had done to my skin and nails is not pretty.
My pinky on my right hand is actually showing some eponychium as well, which is amazing since even my Doctor said it could be months until it grew in due to the damage to the nail underneath, and the need for all that debris to grow out from underneath so that the cuticle and eponychium can re-adhere to the nail plate. My middle finger on my left hand, which is always the last to heal since it's the worst and has some scar tissue going on, is also showing some eponychium as well.
The skin all the way down to my first knuckle is healthier, no longer dry, and looks younger. Those horrible wrinkles keep on fading, which is a huge deal to me. Macro shots made those things look earthquake fault lines!
You can find the original reveal shots here, as well as my 14 day update here. Those have a ton of before and after shots. Here's my before shots, followed by day 21. Please excuse the coconut oil on my hands here. I've been using that wonderful stuff to soothe a sunburn and it did not want to leave my hands! These were actually taken on Monday, so ignore my uneven nails please :)
Left Hand, Before. Ugh. Make it go away!

Left Hand, Day 21. Much better!
And my Left Hand (this was the really bad one). Looking at this makes me cringe and want to lecture myself on why nipping and buffing is the root of all nail care evil.:
Redemption! Is that really my left hand?
Woohoo!! That's a BIG difference, right? I do wish that I hadn't buffed the ever loving life out of my nails so that I could show you all the difference in my nail growth, but you'll be seeing that over the next couple of weeks.
Like I said folks, BIG difference. Especially if you check out my Day 7 and Day 14 posts. It's crazy just how much healthier and happier my nails and cuticles are, even with having to go to shorties to get rid of all the damage to my nails. I'm positive that Pure is the only reason that I have been able to keep any sort of length for more than a few days. Paper thin nails don't hold up well to stress, but since my nails are flexible as opposed to brittle, I was able to keep them a bit longer. I cannot wait to get some length back now that all that damage is gone. I'm hoping that I'll be able to keep my length longer than a few weeks for once!
So there ya have it, 21 days of Pure Nail Oil™, and still seeing improvement. That is just remarkable to me. No other product has ever given me results anywhere near this, and I've certainly never seen improvement past the first week or so. You can bet I will never ever be without Pure™ again. And I still wish Ana made it in vat size!
If you are interested in Pure Nail Oil™ (and you really should be - even if you have great cuticles, Pure™ is packed with Jojoba Oil, which is beneficial to anyone, especially for the actual nails. No other oil can penetrate the nail plate and since strong nails are actually flexible nails, using a jojoba based nail oil is key to nails that are strong and flexible as opposed to hard like mine were), you can check it out at http://www.nailcarehq.com/kimberskorner. Starter Kits and Refill Kits both run $22 and will last up to 3 months. While you're there, take a peak at Ana's articles on nail and cuticle care - it's really amazing how much bad information we've all been fed in the name of marketing!
I'll be back with some Flakie Goodness and I have a ton of awesome Indies coming up so stick around!
Do you have problem nails and cuticles? Share with me!
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Polishing!
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