Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

Buddy The Elf, what's your favourite colour?

I'd like to start off with saying I have already watched Elf twice.  It has to be my favourite Christmas movie. Will Ferrell is hilarious in it!  So obviously I had to do mani based on him.  I've actually seen quite a few around the blogisphere and Pinterest. This is my version :)

I wish he had stripped tights like most elves but no such luck.  I was able to recreate the gold stitching on his jacket with one of my Cheeky plates.  These plates do not have numbers. All I know it's one of six jumbo size plates.  I waited nearly 2 months to get them in then didn't use them for another week. I was kind of pissy they took so long

Hope you all enjoy and make sure to watch Elf at least one time this Christmas season.

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