Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

31 Day Challenge: Inspired by a Movie

Morning all!

So I went  3 days of no posts! I'm feeling pretty darn guilty about it too.  My plan was to dedicate a lot of my time yesterday to my nails and take pictures.  That didn't work out. :(
I had a seizure yesterday(I have epilepsy) and that pretty much screws me for the rest of the day.  My body was so sore and worn out.  Were talking barely able to move.  My mom took care of me for awhile so that really helped. I still have an insanely bad headache tonight and my neck hurts like hell. 
I'm not sure what will happen these next couple days as far as posts.  The weather is still extremely dark for photos and I'm having troubles looking down to see my nails.  Fun stuff eh?!

On to the nails....Finding Nemo!!!! Yayyyy  Can you guess what nail is based on which character?

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