Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

31 Day Challenge: Inspired by Song 'Sexy and I Know It'


I think most people around the world know this song.  Even before this challenge I wanted to do nails inspired by one of LMFAO's songs.  There outfits are crazy colourful and I knew I could do a lot with it.  Most of all though they are my little nearly two year old nephew's favourite band.  He's been shaking his baby booty to there songs before he was even a year.  You always know he wants to listen to the song when he walks around going 'ah, ah'. He's pretty freakin cute!

My index finger is the box head guy. Not really sure what his position in the band is other than the box head.  I used glitter for the middle of his eyes to represent the red lights.  I had to look at still photos for the the skimpy speedo swimsuits.  It was a great time to pull out my studs for the red pair.  The leopard was a little more tricky as far as the colours and effect.  I used my Essie 'Shine of the Times'  to bring out the pinkish sheen to the speedos.   I went through the video looking for some inspiration for my pinky but could not find anything else that really stood out.  Finally I figured I would use the white sunglasses.  It meant using more studs!!

Hope you guys like it. It was a lot of fun to recreate!

Make sure you check out the other fine ladies song inspiration

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