Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

The Body Shop Dilemma

When I grew up and got interested in makeup etc. there was one big name on the cruelty-free beauty market: The Body Shop.
Everyone knew that they were the best when it came to cruelty-free makeup and that their products were kick-ass. In 2006 however The Body Shop stated the shocking news that they were going to be sold to L'Oreal, which is definitely not cruelty-free (although they state that their products haven't been tested on animals since 1989 they do test new ingredients on animals which is exactly as shitty!).  Despite the overtake, The Body Shop is going to hold on to their non-animal-testing policy, and hope to be able to push their parental company in the right direction in the future, which is of course great. 

So, here comes the dilemma: 

Is it OK to buy products from The Body Shop although they are owned by a company that do test on animals? 

On one hand, it is great to support a company that for so many years has been against animal testing. On the other, the money will go to L'Oreal who is one of the big bad guys in this matter. 

What do you guys think?

And finally; March 11 2013 is probably going to be the date when all animal tested cosmetic products (and yes, that includes products whose ingredients has been tested on animals too...) will be banned from the European countries (at least the countries who are part of the EU). However, the politicians seem to be getting cold feet about this. Sign this form to let them know that we want no delay or compromise on this new ban! 

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day/evening/night or whatever it is in your part of this world. :) 

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