Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Try It Out Tuesday - Kleancolor Holo Chrome

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Hello lovelies! Happy Try It Out Tuesday! Well, it would be happy, except.....dun dun dun....remember that silly nail on my right index finger that just does not want to live? Yeah, that's the one that had alot of sidewall filed away when I had stilettos...It also had a crack that I was patching awhile back, so it really had several issues. The crack was finally a non issue and it was growing out nicely, except the sidewall on one side was filed inward at the tip, and growing normally alongside the nail bed, creating a weird ledge of sorts. Last night that ledge gave way at the free edge and wham! Lost a good mm again. Thankfully that finally gets rid of all the fallout from over filing those sidewalls and I can let that nail even out with the rest. If it was any other nail, I'd be taking them all down to nubs again, but since it's my index nail and it's kinda tucked back in photos, I can work with it. Won't take long at all if I keep the other nails at this length and just let that one grow, grow, grow.

For today's TIOT polish, I chose Kleancolor Holo Chrome, a flipping gorgeous silvery blue holo glitter polish. I had planned on going in an entirely different direction, but as I was snuggling with my son, I realized that I was really in the mood for some holo glitter. I had a few choices, so I made my hubby pick. My indecision regarding polish is legendary - before I decided I want holo sparklies, I made poor Gini pick from the 4 polishes I had set out!

This is 3 coats of Holo Chrome topped with HK Girl Top Coat. Check the poor index nail - send it some happy vibes so it develops the will to live!!!

Man, oh man, is that pretty! Just what I was craving - gorgeous color with tons of glittery holo. This polish was a bday gift from my brother (from another mother) last year. I cannot believe it's taken me this long to wear it! The holo effect isn't in it's full glory here since these were taken in my light box (Storm is rolling it so no sunlight), but in sunlight this is all sorts of sparkly and holo! Here, have a slightly blurry macro so you can get an idea of the potential here.

Still pretty, and gives you a general idea of how much holo glitter is packed into this puppy. So pretty!

Holo Chrome's formula, however, was slightly problematic. And I hate saying that, but it's not like I can email Kleancolor and give them a chance to improve it before I post about it, right? This girl seemed okay during application - a little bit of dragging but nothing major- however it literally took all flipping night to dry. ALL NIGHT! ANd that's with a super quick dry topcoat and the thinnest coats possible. Speaking of thin coats, you kind of have to go as thin as possible with this one, otherwise it will develop some thick, gloppy spots - not alot of self levelling going on here. It's also a bit of a top coat eater. I only used one coat of HK Girl here, and once my nails (finally) dried, they were still fairly textured. I don't mind a bit of texture to these types of glitters, but if you like a smooth surface, you definitely want to double up on the top coat. I don't recommend glitter food with these holos since GF is thick and dries matte - it does dull down the holo a bit.

I'm pretty torn on this one. I LOVE the color and sparkle with this polish, but the dry time really turns me off. Had I applied this during the day I guarantee that I would've destroyed this manicure within minutes. I think these Kleancolor Holos will definitely be used when I can polish at night versus during the day.

What do you think of Holo Chrome? Do you have any of Kleancolor's Holo Glitters?

I'm working on swatching some new thermals from Candied Lustre tonight, so check back tomorrow to see the first 2!

Thanks for stopping by and happy Polishing!

*Product(s) Featured purchased by KLK. Please see Disclaimer/Legal Page for more information**

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