Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

Challenge Info!

Hiya Ladies! I'm posting the challenge info for everyone that is interested in joining. Email is a messy way of figuring this out, so I figured I'd post my idea here so you guys can give a quick yay or nay.

I'm looking at every 3 days for posts (which means a challenge every 3 days instead of daily, which was just too much for me last time), but if you guys have an idea for a different posting schedule or need more time, just post a comment and we'll go from there.

Here is the challenge list:

Let me know in comments what works for you and we'll go from there! Looking at starting next week sometime, but I'm also open for a start date as well. So far there are about 7 of us interested. Let's see if we can get all of us going!

I'm so excited to do this with you ladies!!!

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