Rabu, 14 November 2012

I have been gone for way too long!

Hey guys!  Thank you if you're still out there and reading this.  I know I've been the world's worst blogger and I do apologize.  If you follow me on facebook, you'll know that I had to have surprise surgery in October for a partially obstructed small bowel (which is NOT a fun thing to have, by the way, I puked my brains out.  I lost 10 lbs of just water weight and it took bags and bags of fluid just to get me peeing again).  But I'm healed from that and am back on my chemo schedule.

After surgery I tend to get into a slump because I don't feel well so I don't really wear too much makeup and then I get used to not wearing makeup so I just kinda don't.  And honestly, my skin has been a wreck so I figure even if I do good eye makeup you won't notice because my skin is so gross.  Darn steroids.  So today I decided for the first time in way too long that I would try something at least slightly artistic.  I don't have many good pictures of it but here it is!

I used all Makeup Geek shadows for this look.  
Product placement:

1. Pixie Dust
2. Peacock
3. Ocean Breeze
4. Appletini
5. White Lies

So that's my creativity for the day haha.  I haven't worn this much color or this extreme of a look in a very long while so I feel like I look kinda crazy.  This used to be kind of tame for me too.  Who would have thought the day would come where it would be a struggle for me to wear eyeliner without thinking it looks like I'm overdoing it?

Well that's about all I have for today.  I will try to be a better blogger, but it honestly depends on my energy level and my skin.  Because my skin has been a huge deterrence to my blogging. 

Thank you to all of you who are still sticking it out with me!  My last unhook from chemo is scheduled for Decemeber 22nd so I should be done by Christmas!!  Yay!  I cannot wait for it all to be behind me and for me to get back to my "normal" life!  Thanks guys!

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