Minggu, 25 November 2012

China Glaze Holiday Joy Collection: Angel Wings! Plus bonus kitteh!

Good morning lovelies! Happy Sunday! Hope you all participated in Small Business Saturday. As a small business owner I can personally attest that it really does make a difference. Cyber Monday is only a day away as well, so be sure to visit my girl Lisa over at Twenty Seven Polish and use code 27WIN for 20% off!

Today I have one of the gorgeous holo glitters from the China Glaze Holiday Joy Collection. Angel Wings is a Gold Holo Full Coverage glitter. I'm very picky about gold polish - typically because it does interesting things to my skin tone - but this glitter is definitely worth a wear! It's beautiful and sparkly, indoors and out. I do wish that I had managed some sunlight shots of this little lady - on the way to visit a clients pups this morning the sparkle was blinding! Of course, I did not have my camera with me. Boo! But enough talk, let's see some polish (and kittehs)!

All photos are 2 coats of Angel Wings topped with 1 coat of Gelous and a coat of SV:

 This is such a beautiful gold. I almost passed this one up, but decided to grab the Holiday set that included this polish and a pretty nifty shot glass (It only makes sense that wen a lacquerhead does shots, it should be out of a China Glaze shot glass, right?) at the last minute. The set was only $8 and I had a 15% off coupon, so why not? I'm glad I didn't put this one back.

Standard China Glaze glitter formula here - Not too thin but fairly even with minimal thickening during use. No glopping or gooping on the nail, but there was some gooping inside the bottle rim. i expect that with a full coverage glitter though, so no real bother there. It also has that "new glitter smell", a bit chemically (new word!), but not overpowering.

China Glaze always does a superb job with these glitters. Angel Wings applied smoothly and evenly with no dragging, balding, or glitter buildup at the tips. Dry time was fast, fast, fast! As always, this baby needs a coat of Gelous and top coat to be smooth to the touch as well as shiny - it dries slightly matte.  Pretty painless as far as glitter goes!

And here is your bonus kitteh!

Someone decided to sneak up, slightly ninja-like, and get nice and comfy on my photo backdrop! Does she look concerned that she might be in the way? Nope! Not Charlie! As we all know, she is well within her kitteh right to be wherever she feels like laying at the moment. Especially in a warm spot under the daylight lamp.

Charlie is a Flame Point Siamese of the Applehead variety (versus Modern). Please note that she does have some cross-eyed action going on and most times acts as if all she can see is food and the tip of her nose. Oh, and my polish table. In kitteh world, all those bottles and brushes and things are a kitteh obstacle course that must be conquered several times daily. Preferably while frantically chasing invisible mice. Never one to be left out, Charlie decided she needed a little manicuring. 

See the nose wrinkle of concentration? Charlie is very serious about her claws. Especially when she is sharpening them on the couch. Or the bed. Or someone's lap.

Here charlie has extended a paw, showing off her hard work. Claws are safely sheathed and the dainty paw is nicely groomed and smells like cat breath.  We are all familiar with that scent since Charlie insists on grooming our hair and faces while we are trying to sleep. She will groom us until we are wet with kitty slobber and need to get up and shower before going back to bed.

 See? All neat, clean and pink. Kitteh Manicuring is srss biznezz.

What do you think of Angel Wings? Yay or Nay? And more importantly, is it Charlie's color?

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Polishing!


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