Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013

Let's Talk Challenges!!

Hello lovelies!!

Awhile back I was able to participate in the 31 Day Challenge with the most awesome group of bloggers. The challenge was grueling, even though we only posted every 3 days, but I made some incredible friends (including Gini, my polish BFF!) and learned so much from these ladies. We've ll been very busy since we fnished that challenge, but I'm itching to start again.

So.....this time I'm looking at the ABC Polish challenge, where you post a polish whose name or brand name starts with whatever letter you are on. This time, I'm looking at posting once weekly, on whichever day works for everyone that participates. This is an easy challenge, fun, yet not overloaded with demanding nail art or pre-chosen manicures. And, I'd like to think once a week isn't a very demanding posting schedule.

So who is up for the ABC Challenge with me? Join me! It will be so much fun you'll need new pants! Well, maybe not, but I'm trying to sell this here.;)

Leave me a comment! I miss everyone so much!!

Anxiously awaiting answers,

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