Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Laquerlicious Polish-For-Pit Bulls: Hug-A-Bull

Hello again lovelies! Still busy as a bee over here at KLK - today I received some more awesome polish to share with you! I'm so excited about everything I have coming up that I'm literally squee-ing. It's all that awesome.

Tonight I have another awesome creation from Laquerlicious to share. Michelle has created a 2 Polish Collection called Polish For Pit Bulls in honor of Fresno Bully Rescue. When she told me about this I was so excited since I ADORE pit bulls and really wish that people were less judgmental about them. It's easy to listen to all the media hype regarding this breed, but as an 8 year Veterinary Technician specializing in Emergency Medicine and Orthopedic Surgery I worked closely with A LOT of Pit Bulls. Here in New Mexico, bullies are incredibly popular, but unfortunately many people use them as a status symbol or worse...as fighting dogs. Because of the breed's size, strength and ability to be trained easily they are incredibly popular as fighting and/or attack dogs. Thankfully this activity is illegal and bullies are being saved from those abusive environments every day.

Unfortunately here in NM, this means that most of the dogs you find in shelters are bullies or bully mixes. Due to a misunderstanding of the breed (these dogs are loyal, loving, great with children and gentle as lambs by nature), so many bullies would never make it out of the shelters if it were not for Rescue Groups. These groups do such important work, not only educating about the breed, but taking them in, fostering them, nurturing them, training them, and often times nursing them back to health. I have great respect for Bully Rescue everywhere.

The first polish in this mini-collection is Hug-A-Bull, an absolutely stunning mix of gray, silver, purple and pink pigment and micro glitter. I swear the colors in this beauty change with the lighting and angle of the nail! Even more so since I chose to wear this layered over a China Glaze polish with a slight color shift.

This is 2 thin coats of Hug-A-Bull over China Glaze Bizarre Blurple:

Isn't this polish just gorgeous!?!? I fell in love with it in the bottle, but it's so much more incredible on the nail.

As usual Laquerlicious impresses. Usable straight out of the bottle, there was no glopping, gooping, clumping or thickening halfway through my mani.

Smooth and silky, this glitter was one of the easiest to apply. The brush delivered a perfect amount of glitter and there was zero dragging, balding, or clumping at the tip. I used my usual top coat to smooth everything out - no Gelous of Glitter Food needed.

As far as glitters go, this one really stands out for me. I love the color combo in general, but the grey and silver in this make this an incredibly unusual polish. I've also tried this layered over Silver and the effect was mesmerizing!

 Laquerlicious Polish For Pitbulls can be found via LaquerliciousUnity on Etsy and retail for $15.00 each $10.00 from every bottle sold will be donated to Fresno Bully Rescue.

Fresno Bully Rescue is located in Fresno California. They are a nonprofit organization that rescues pit bulls (bullies) and pit bull like breeds. They have done SO much for this breed but sadly, they replace the ones they adopt out 2 to 1. Help control the pet overpopulation! They are being euthanized in huge numbers because there just aren’t enough homes for all the ones being born. Be a responsible pet owner. Spay and neuter!

I highly recommend grabbing these while you can. It's a wonderful cause and I personally plan on grabbing a full sized bottle of each. 

I'll have he second polish in this mini-collection for you all tomorrrow. In the meantime, what do you think of Hug-A-Bull?

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Polishing!

**Product(s) featured provided for review. Please see legal/disclaimer page for more information**

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