Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Black As a Moonless Night

There are probably only a few of you who recognizes the quote from the title. "Black as a moonless night" is how Agent Cooper likes his coffee, and with that said, you can probably conclude that this is the third look in my Twin Peaks series. :)

Yeah, yeah, I know; this look turned out quite a lot like my Engel look but what the hell... I like looks like this one and I could do at least twenty more of them with different variations. :)

Since I wanted this look to be black - really, really black - I used first Black bean (NYX) as a base and then, where I want it to be even blacker, filled in smaller portions with Illamasqua's Sophie. This way, you get the blackest possible base to rest your eyeshadows on.

To blend the black into the white with a smooth gradient I used Inglot #339 which is my favorite shade of grey (no pun intended...).

*Skin Base Foundation 02  (Illamasqua)
*Mineral Veil (Bare minerals)

*Medium Pencil Sophie (Illamasqua)
*#391 (Inglot)

*Shadow Insurance (original) (Too Faced)
*Jumbo Pencil Black bean (NYX)
*Medium Pencil Sophie (Illamasqua)
*Jumbo Pencil Milk (NYX)
*Corrupt (Makeup Geek)
*Tako (Sugarpill)
*#339 (Inglot) 
*False eyelashes #115 (Ardell)


I know some of you will want to see a full face version of this look, but I didn't make one due to my irritated eye (that I will leave alone until it's completely healed). I'm sorry! :(

Anyways, I hope you liked the look! :) Thanks for stopping by and hope you'll have a lovely day! 

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