Minggu, 30 Juni 2013

Quickie Update Post!

Nothing to Disclose

Hello Lovelies!

I had planned to have some swatches for you this weekend, but I ended up failing miserably. I fell asleep when I had planned to swatch on both nights, and was unable to correctly capture the one polish that I did swatch. I'll be re-swatching that one this week, but for now....let's talk what's coming up here at KLK!

First of all, since tomorrow is July 1, let's talk about Google Reader. Google Reader is NOT THE SAME AS GFC. GFC is not going away yet. But since alot of us use some sort of feed to keep up with each other, you'll need another option. You can still follow me via GFC, but you can also follow using Blog Lovin'. Just click below!

Follow KLK on Blog Lovin' here :Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Now that we have that covered...

I have a surprise coming up this week for all of you awesome lovelies! I won't reveal what it is yet, but it involves 3 blogs, 3 FB pages, and a challenge/contest (there is an awesome prize involved!). I'm super excited about it, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!

And last but not least, I have some really killer Indie Brands coming your way this week. Keep an eye out for Luscious Potion, Frankenstine polish, Fandom Cosmetics, Love Angeline, and Shimmer Polish!

Can you guess what the surprise is?

Thanks for stopping by and Happy polishing!

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