Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013

It's time! Bg Cosmetics Holographics Collection Winner!

Hello Lovelies! So sorry that I haven't posted for a couple of days. I've been so busy that I just now finished uploading pics. My daughter's birthday is on Sunday, and I still haven't finished shopping for her (it's actually really hard when she's with you all the time!). I did, however, manage to rafflecopter the winner for my 500 GFC Follower giveaway!


Kati has already been emailed and has responded. I'm so excited since Kati is such a sweetheart, and how cool is it to have an international winner?! A Big thanks to Ketlyn from BG Cosmetics for everything she does (and for handling the shipping for me!).

I wish that I could afford to give each and every one of you something, but I do have another giveaway starting up soon - you'll all have a chance to win a Pure Nail Oil™ starter kit! There will be 2 winners this time, so the odds are even better!

Thank you all for entering and for being here, reading my babbling and commenting. I'm hoping that things will slow down soon and I'll be back to actually interacting with you all! In the meantime, if you have a question or really want an answer from me, please feel free to e mail me.

I'll have an actual polish post tomorrow, unless I fall over in which case I'll hopefully be upright again soon. ;)

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