Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

ABC Challenge: "V" is for Vampy Vintage Inspired Rockabilly Nails!

Nothing to Disclose

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Hello lovelies! Phew! I made it - I'm managing to post a challenge mani on the right day! Shocking, right? ;)

Today's post is going to be quick and dirty since this horrible insomnia is really catching up to me and I am hurting today. I think I managed maybe 2 hours of sleep last night, and my body is finally taking over and preparing to force me to sleep. Sad thing is that I love sleep and have never had trouble sleeping in my life, but the past few weeks have been just horrible. In fact, this poor manicure was done between 3 and 5:30 am this morning since I was wide awake and there's nothing else to do at that time of day. I have a feeling bedtime will be coming sooner rather than later tonight.

Today's challenge is letter "V'. Can you believe we're almost at the end already? I know we've been doing this for months now but it doesn't feel all that long. I'll be sad when this challenge ends, but all of the girls have been brainstorming and coming up with ideas for some really awesome new challenges, so I won't have to be sad for long!

Letter V stumped me, lovelies. I have a couple of V polishes, but nothing that was really calling to me. I love all things Vintage and initially thought of trying out some vintage roses, but I wore some roses recently so I nixed that idea. Since I also love Rockabilly Inspired stuffs, I decided to try out a manicure that I've seen a few different variations on - the Retro-Funky Vintage Leopard and Red Mani. I chose to wear mine as half nude leopard and half red, as opposed to the half moon version since I didn't feel like messing with half moons - I'm fairly unmotivated around 4 am, folks!

Considering I wasn't at my best when I worked on this, I'm pretty pleased with how it came out. My only gripe is that I was being lazy and didn't want to deal with tape, so I did the leopard print first, and then went to add the red, and lo and behold! All of my red polishes were way too sheer to cover the print. Thankfully A-England Perceval did the trick, which made me happy since any excuse to wear Perceval is a good one.  I may be the only person to ever attempt this manicure using a shimmer, but it doesn't look as odd as I thought it would. My base color is OPI My Vampire Is Buff, my very fave neutral, and I stamped the leopard print using Red Angel Plate 107 and Konad Black (told ya I was lazy!).

It's not perfect, but it'll do! Actually this is a really fun mani and looks great IRL. I'm always grateful that real life isn't in super-macro mode. This is also a very me kind of manicure, and makes me all sorts of happy. Or maybe that's the sleep deprivation talking. I think I'm starting to hallucinate. ;)

What do you think of Vintage/Rockabilly Inspired manicures?

Don't forget to go forth and check out all my awesome polish sistah's and their letter V manicures!

I'll return tomorrow with an amazing polish from Wingdust. I have Nail Pattern Boldness, Live Life Polished and Polish TBH coming up this week as well as Flakie Friday and more from the new Sally Hansen Collections so be sure to check back!

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Polishing!

*Product(s) Featured purchased by KLK. Please see Disclaimer/Legal Page for more information**

 Nothing to Disclose

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