Minggu, 16 September 2012

Depressed Blogger Syndrome? Is it just me?

Is there such a thing?

Have any of you guys ever hit a wall where you just wonder why you keep blogging? I love blogging. And the reason I keep on chugging is because I do love it, and when I don't blog, I feel like something is missing. But lately I'm feeling a bit down about it. I'm not going to go into it here, because I don't want this blog to be a negative space. But I did want to share that I'm having a down moment here and am wondering if everyone has those moments or if its just me.

If you don't wanna comment here, feel free to shoot me an email and we'll discuss.

I'm not giving up blogging, oh hell no! But I believe in honesty and if my posts seem short and less happy go lucky than usual, this is why.

I am hoping to have some more Lustre Shine swatches up tomorrow sometime. I have 3 more to swatch, and I asked which one people wanted to see on Twitter, but since noone answered, you're all gonna be stuck with whatever I pick. They're all pretty damned awesome so it's a win either way.

Thanks for tolerating my whining, and Happy Polishing!

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