Minggu, 09 September 2012

Giveaway Winner!

First of all, A huge thank you to everyone that entered the giveaway. It was so much fun! In fact, I'm already planning the next one!

Also, a big hello and thank you to my new followers! I appreciate each and every one of you, and hope you enjoy my posts. I know I do things a little differently, but I think that's part of the fun!

The answer to the Guess My Age question is.....38. A few of you were spot on! I had so much fun with that question! You guys are great sports!

And now....Drumroll please........The winner of my 100 Follower/Blog-A-Versary/Birthday Giveaway is.........

Diana at Nails By Diana!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Congratulations, Diana!! I have already emailed Diana to let her know she is the winner!

I'm really looking forward to my next giveaway. You guys really made this alot of fun. What kind of prizes would you like to see next time?

Thanks again everyone! You guys rock!

Happy Polishing!

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