Minggu, 30 September 2012

This or that. Makeup tag!

Hello makeup-lovers and fellow spooks! :) 

I found this really fun makeup tag at vanityandvodka.com and decided to participate. Let's just jump right ahead to the questions.

1. Blush or bronzer? Since I love being pale and emphasize my pale-ness I never, ever use bronzer so I'll definitely say blush for this one. I love using a pinkish blush to get that porcelain doll effect on my face. It's particularly nice in the winter.

2. Lipgloss or lipstick? Without doubt lipstick! I don't know what I would do without my black lipstick. :O

Madam Noire <3 Black lipstick

3. Chapstick or lip butter? Chapstick. I prefer moisturizing lipsticks though. :)

4. Matte or Sparkle Eye shadow? Both! They are both extremely pretty and effectful. I think I tend to use matte ones most though, especially matte black. But sparkly eyeshadows are great to put in the inner corner of the eyes for a brightening effect.

5. Eyeliner or mascara? Eyeliner. I don't think I've ever done a look without eyeliner, but it has happened (on rare occasions... :P) that I have forgotten to put on mascara.

6. Gel, Liquid, Cream or Pencil eyeliner? Gel liner is my current favorite. It's a universal product that can be used for so many different tasks. You can put it on the waterline and you can make tiny doodles and details with it as well. :)

7. Foundation or concealer? Foundation. I have visible pores and sometimes red areas on my skin which are covered with a thin coat of foundation. I only use concealer on my under eye area sometimes. Or as a primer when I don't have UDPP at hand. :)

8. Liquid or powder foundation? I always use liquid foundation because it is so easy to work with and gives a "glow" to the skin even though it has a matte finish.

I'm waiting for this baby to arrive in the mail. Guess who's going to spy on the postman every day this week... :P 

9. Neutral or statement eyes? STATEMENT! You would never have guessed that, would you? ^_^

My kind of makeup! :D 

10. Pressed or loose eyeshadows? I like pressed eyeshadows better, because they are easier to handle. Loose eyeshadows tend to get everywhere and cause a lot of mess.

11. Waterproof or non-waterproof? Waterproof is definitely the best, especially when you live in a town where it rains almost every day. The only thing I don't like with waterproof makeup is that it's harder to take off, at least with my makeup remover. XD

12. Brushes, sponges or fingers? Brushes! For foundation I use a flat foundation brush to apply the foundation evenly and then a duo-fiber brush to blend it and make sure there are no harsh lines at all.

Sigma F50 Duo Fiber brush. 

13. Powder, cream or liquid highlighter? I usually don't use highlighter on my face but if I would I would use a liquid highlighter. On the eyes I use eyeshadows to highlight so that would be powder then. :)

So that's my answers! Please go ahead and answer these questions yourself! It's fun! :)

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