Rabu, 19 September 2012

New post! It's been a while!

Sorry guys that it's been so long since I've posted anything!  My daughter brought a nice stomach bug home with her from school that I caught and it messed everything up.  My immune system couldn't shake the bug by itself so I had to be put on antibiotics and fluids and that helped but it pushed my chemo schedule back.  I was supposed to be done the week before Thanksgiving but now my new goal is to be done by Christmas so I guess that's better than nothing.

Well for my birthday, I decided to check out the sale section on Sephora's website and I ordered a bunch of these Prisma Chrome eyeshadows because they were only $3 and I figured I couldn't really go wrong (there are only 2 colors left now but there were way more when I ordered).  There's an orange one that's really pretty and I wanted to wear a bright pink lip (using OCC Lip Tar in "Anime") so I figured I'd go with simple orange on the eyes and this is the look I came up with:

please excuse the lazy brows, I just filled them in with pencil.
Two of my shadows came broken (the orange one being one of them), they are pretty soft, but here's what the orange one looks like in the pan (they sure made a weird shape with them in the pans, almost like a wave).
From not really expecting too much from this, I was surprised at how much I liked it.  I've been using these shadows quite a bit, a lot like how I used it here.  Just super basic.  I haven't even been adding a crease color lately.  Gosh, what is wrong with me??  I need to get back to my makeup doing, I just don't feel like it, you know?

Here are unedited pictures of all of the colors I got: 

too bad this is broken because the color is GORGEOUS!!

I did this look probably 2 weeks ago, just between being sick and chemo I've been really thrown off schedule.  So I'm sorry for that and I really hope to post some more.  Thanks for hanging in there with me!

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