Sabtu, 01 September 2012

It's Giveaway time!!!

100 Follower/Blog-a-Versary/Kimber's Birthday Giveaway!

It's finally here! I promised you guys a giveaway, so here it is!

I really wanted to pickup an awesome prize for this, but budget restrains wouldn't allow what I was looking at. Do I wracked my little brain, and came up with this. One of my favorite collections, and some awesome layering polishes! Woohoo!

The Prize:

The entire Kleancolor Chunky Holo Collection, plus 1 bottle of Madly Matte. These are some of my very fave layering polishes, and I'll be showing some on the blog soon. Trust me, these babies are awesome. I wear these when I really want my nails to shine!


So, want 'em? You know you do. Even though my pic isn't that awesome. Google these babies. YOU WANT THEM!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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