Rabu, 16 November 2011

31 Day Challenge, Day 19: Galaxy Nails!

I apologize for another late post. I have been crazy busy this week, and this this challenge has taken it's toll on my nails, so between working, appointments, and trying to baby my nails for a day, posting has been a touch erratic. I did manage to take some time to baby my nails today. Since I've been doing this challenge, the nail on my ring finger on my left hand has been doing weird things. It has been curling inward on the right side of the nail, for no apparent reason. No sooner do I get it to where it seems normal again, than I wake up and it is curled inward again. At one point I gave up and just decided I had to suck it up and live with it, but since it hasnt always been that way I just couldn't let it be.  So instead of posting this morning, I took off my mani and set about babying my nails. Once my polish was off, I looked very closely at said wonky nail, and noticed a vertical ridge that was straight on the nail bed, but curved to the right on the free edge. I buffed that sucker like crazy and (at least for now) it is back to an almost normal shape! The free edge still looks off, since in order to get it straight I had to file it the way it was, and now that it isn't all curled under the corners are filed on a slant (boo!), but I'll take that over that weird curling anyday! After that, I buffed the rest of my nails, whitened them a bit, oiled them, massaged them, left them product free and made sure to keep them moisturized all day. They seem happier now. Save for the peelies. I have NEVER had peelies. Ever. Over the last week I have developed a couple peelies on my right hand. This does not make me happy. So, instead of the growth treatment I was using, I am going back to my HG base coat (Instant Artificials) and we'll see if that makes a difference. Bah! Okay! Enough of my babbling! Onto the mani!

This is my 2nd time trying Galaxy Nails, and I think they came out better this time. I changed up the colors a bit, and that seemed to help make the galaxies pop instead of just blending into the background.  My camera had a hard time focusing on them though, maybe because there is a lot going on here!

For this mani I used a base of Ulta Rhinestone Rocker, sponged with FingerPaints Paper Mache, Sally Hansen DVD and Laser, OPI DS Reflection, Hard Candy Beetle, and Nfu Oh 51, painted on the shooting stars in Essence Can't Cheat on Me and more Paper Mache, dabbed on some Finger Paints Sparkle Top Coat and Sally Hansen Diamond Strength in Glass Slipper, and topped it all with Seche Vite. Phew! That's a lot of polish, eh?

What a fun mani! Only downside here was my camera not being able to focus on them, and my tendonitis flaring like mad! It's really painful to work on a mani with tendonitis flaring up. Not to mention trying to take pics! Yeeooouucch!! Side effect of 10-keying for years, and all in all it's better than CT, so I can't bitch too much. Anyway, I can't wait to see what Katherine over at Manicure Addict does in a few days when her turn is up for Galaxies! If you haven't already, go check out her manis! She is awesome!!

Now it's time to work on some water marbling. If these turn out half as cool as I hope they do, I will be thrilled!

Happy Polishing!

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