Jumat, 04 November 2011

31 Day Challenge, Day 7: Black & White Nails!

Hi guys! I have to admit, I had a ton of fun with this mani! It took me a good while to settle on a design for this challenge. I started with white with black glitter, then realized another blogger had used that combo so I changed my idea to a White on Black ruffian with black glitter. Then, this idea hit me last night, and since I had never tried this before, it won.

I give you (drumroll please!)....Black and White Drip Mani!!! For this mani I used Wet N Wild Black Creme (my go to black. For a very cheap drugstore polish, this black is just awesome!) and Sally Hansen White On. For the drip look I swiped a strip of black polish along the tips of my nails, and used one of my dotting tools to pull the polish down into drip-like strips. I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out, even though my top coat did smear the black a touch on one of my index fingers. Booooo!

What a fun mani! And so fast! The drips take maybe 5 minutes! I'll have to try this mani with some other colors when this challenge is over. Speaking of, I am loving as well as hating this challenge so far. I love that I'm wearing colors that I wouldn't normally choose, but I am so bummed out that I wont get to wear any of my new polishes (I kid you not I have a good 50-60 from the past month alone) until this is over.

Tomorrow is Metallic Nails, and I have it narrowed down to 2 choices. I may actually used them together somehow. I tend to just obsess until I have picked the perfect color, much like I obsess if the shape of my nails arent perfect (they never are. I force myself to settle down and accept their imperfections), and if I have even the smallest imperfection in my mani (same deal I force myself to STFU and move along). Anyone else obsess like I do?

Happy Polishing!

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