Rabu, 23 November 2011

31 Day Challenge, Day 25: Inspired by Fashion!

I'm a day late posting this due to a vicious migraine yesterday, but I did have this mani done on time. That counts, right? I'm actually uploading pics of today's mani as I'm typing this since I refuse to fall a day behind and stay there!

This was an incredibly fun mani to work on. I had come across this dress awhile back, and had anxiously been awaiting Fashion Nails day to arrive.  I'm pretty excited to share these with you all.  These "inspiration" manis are a killer for me, and this is the first one that has really come out like I intended it to.

I'm not as into fashion as I was when I was younger. I'm not sporting "mom jeans" just yet, but instead of following the latest trends, I prefer to wear low-slung comfy jeans and either a fitted v-neck t-shirt, camisole, or Vintage 70's bright and colorful tops.  I used to pay a fortune to have the latest hairstyle, now I have an inverted bob that I wear either in a small bun or towel dried and tousled.  My boldest "fashion statements" are my hair color (hot pink Ombre at the moment), tattoos, piercings, and my nails. So I admit that I had to do some googling for inspiration. I have always loved Versace, so that was where I started, and it took about 5 minutes to find what I was looking for.  I chose this dress from the Spring 2010 Collection (Original Image):

I love love love this dress! As soon as I saw this, I knew exactly what I wanted to do for this mani. I used 2 coats of Sally Hansen White On as my base, then layered on 2 coats of Rimmel French Ivory to tone down the white and give it a little bit of an Ivory sheen. Then I stamped using BM plate 206 and Orly Liquid Vinyl. I used a Kiss striping polish in Silver Glitter to highlight certain places on the stamped image to mimic the black and silver used for the centerpiece of the dress. I finished off by striping the same line pattern from the dress with Pure Ice Silver Mercedes and topped it all with a coat of Seche Vite.  Here's how it turned out (pics are purposely taken in low lighting conditions to show detail):

The first pic is the most accurate since it faces up and the lines and stamp are placed exactly as they are on the dress. Otherwise, the image is upside down.  I really loved this mani and had a hard time talking myself into removing it! Of course, today's mani (Inspired by a pattern) is actually one of my faves as well! I'll be posting that in a few hours (while the hubs is feeding the baby dinner).

Happy Polishing!

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