Kamis, 17 November 2011

31 Day Challenge. Day 20: Water Marble!

Don't have a lot of time to post tonight since I am nursing an injured dog. Our 120lb Labradane injured her leg last night and we are having to nurse her giant butt back to health. Good thing I spent so many years as a Veterinary Technician with a specialty in Orthopaedic Surgery huh?

Anyway, this mani received a ton of attention while I was out and about today; more than any other mani have ever done! Maybe it's because it's so bright that you can't miss it, but I think it came out pretty awesome for only my second attempt at water marbling!

For this mani I used Sally Hansen White Out as my base, then water marbled with Sally Hansen Black Out, Mellow Yellow, and Sun Kissed as well as Confetti The Red Carpet. I created a pointy little flower pattern to make it look a bit like flames, and this is my result:

Indoors In Natural Light:

And a rare right hand shot! Don't laugh at my nubbins! :)

I dunno about you guys, but I LOVE this mani! Taking it off will suck! The one little imperfection on my pointer makes me a tad nuts tho. I accidentally touched my orange stick to my nail while pulling my middle finger out of the water and there was no way to fix it. Makes me crazy tho!

Tonight is the start of the Inspiration portion of the challenge, and man I am excited and afraid. Tonight's challenge is "Inspired by a color". What does that even mean? Colors hold a lot of meaning to me, so I guess I'll just go with my mood and call that Inspiration. :)

Happy Polishing!

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