Kamis, 10 November 2011

31 Day Challenge Day 13: Animal Print! & why the heck are my nails suddenly shaped weird?

Hi guys! Very quick post today, since it's been a long day in my world, and I'm not feeling all that great. My daughter just got over a stomach bug and I'm feeling like I may be its next victim. So, right to today's mani!

Today's challenge was Animal Print. I had originally planned to Konad for this one, but no matter which animal print stamp I used, nothing really felt right. I ended up freehanding some tiger stripes instead. I used Essie Bangle Jangle for my base, sponged on some Sally Hansen Insta-Dri in Pronto Purple, striped with China Glaze VIII and dabbed on a bit of Sinful Colors Frenzy. Here is the finished mani:

Indoors, natural light:


And Worst Macro Ever!

I'm pretty pleased with my tiger stripes! This is the first time that I have attempted freehand animal print of any kind, and it was much easier than I had expected!  It also gave me a great excuse to try out the striping brushes that I picked up earlier this week. :)

I'm going to throw this out here in case you guys have any ideas: The nails on my middle and ring finger are literally changing shape overnight these days. They are starting to curve inward at the corners, and some days my ring finger has an indentation right where the nail meets the fingertip on the side. When I say literally overnight, I mean it is one shape when I go to bed, and a completely different shape when I wake up. Some days they're both totally normal. I'm stumped. Any ideas, ladies?? You can see it in the pics of today's mani, the ring finger being especially obvious. Any advice here is much appreciated. I'm not willing to get rid of my length over it, though. So that solution is out! ;)

Happy Polishing!

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