Minggu, 20 November 2011

31 Day Challenge, Day 23: Inspired by a Movie

I knew I would end up doing this mani the minute I began this challenge, however I did toy with the idea of a Talladega Nights Mani for awhile there. In the end, this won out since my kiddos love it, and I had about 15 minutes to slap this together. And lemme tell ya, upside down nail art with a grumpy toddler climbing your leg is hard! I was telling Katherine over at Manicure Addict that I would rather water marble than use a brush for nail art any day, and I mean it! I am not good with this little, detailed stuff. Nope. I think after this is all over it will be a long time before you guys see any nail art like this! But let's get to the mani, shall we?

I chose "Despicable Me" for my movie, since my kids LOVE it, and it makes me giggle as well. And what says Despicable Me more than MINIONS! Well, my minions just happened to have a bad day at work, and went off to get hammered drunk. This is what happens when Minions drink. You have been warned!! Behold! Despicable Mani (pun intended - this really is Despicable!)!

For this Mani I used Sally Hansen Mellow Yellow as a Base, striped with WNW Black Creme, used Pure Ice Silver Mercedes for the goggles, Finger Paints Paper Mache and WNW Black Creme for the eyes, and Ulta Soho Skinny for the overalls. Mix all that with a ton of "Dexter!! (my son) No! You can't climb mommy! Noooooo! Please don't pull on mommy's arm! Dexter!!! Get off the cat!!!" and you have a rough mani. I still maintain the minions are drunk, and my portrayal of them is dead on. ;)

Now I'm gonna go have a drink!

Happy Polishing!

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