Sabtu, 19 November 2011

31 Day Challenge, Day 21: Inspired by a Color - A day Late cause my router sucks!

Inspired By A Color & A foray into really bad photography! (AKA Stupid Good Camera died again!)

So Sorry this is a late post. My router was having issues again yesterday and I could not get this to post to save my life! So today is a 3 post day. Fun!!

So, this "Inspired by a color"? Yeah, this one sucked. It took me a very long time to be inspired by anything. Inspired by a color could mean so many things. In the end, I grabbed a new color (Nicole By OPI Khloe Had a Little Lam-Lam from the Kardashian Collection) and took my inspiration from the name of the color. It's just too bad I am not a great freehand nail artist! It was still fun to create, and the result isnt half as bad as I had expected. So, without further Adieu, I give you: Sheep!!

For this mani I used Khloe Had A Little Lam-Lam as my base color. I dig this color, even if it is a bit dark for the little sheep's legs to show. It's a very dark, dusky teal creme that leans toward a forest green depending on the light. It has a fabulous formula, nice and smooth. I used 2 coats here, but it is so opaque that only 1 was necessary. It is a stainer though, so make sure to use a good base coat. And if it gets anywhere near your cuticles? Clean that up immediately. Otherwise you'll have ovely green tinted cuticles for a bit.

I used a tutorial by Chalkboard Nails to make the sheep. Obviously her sheep are much much better than mine, but I tried! Well, in all honestly I did these in about 5 minutes since my son was clinging to my leg and I was tired and grumpy. :)

Phew! Glad that one is over! By far the hardest challenge for me yet. Not just because I wasn't that inspired, but also because it's really hard to do nail art and take pics with a toddler swinging from your leg! ;)

Happy Polishing!

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